We can say two things about the Democrats running for president.
First, they are going to hit Bloomberg, and maybe each other, harder than ever. Some may even call it “desperation.”
Second, Senator Sanders and Mr. Bloomberg may be the only two with any cash in the bank to move on after Super Tuesday.
This is from Politico:
While Sanders started February with nearly $17 million in the bank, according to campaign finance disclosures filed Thursday night, his next closest rival (nonbillionaire class) was Biden, at $7.1 million. Warren was closest to the red, with just $2.3 million left in her account, while Buttigieg ($6.6 million) and Klobuchar ($2.9 million) were in between.
The Wall Street Journal ran a similar story. They point out that Buttigieg and Biden are sort of MIA on the TV screens — i.e., no money for TV ads in so many big markets like California and Texas.
On the morning after Super Tuesday, we will see a happy Sanders, a Bloomberg with lots of cash, and quite a few others working on their “we are stopping campaign operations” speeches.
Then Bloomberg will tear up Sanders by showing all those “commie” videos and explaining that his numbers don’t add up. Sanders will fight back, saying Bloomberg wants to buy the election and so on.
The loser will be the Democrats, who will never get reconcile their huge differences.
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