Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The Bill of Rights vs The Bill of Entitlements

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Wonder what The Founding Rights would think of what we think of The Bill of Rights?

My guess is that they wouldn't be very happy specially since so many of us have come to see a government as a provider of "goods" rather than protecting our rights from ever expanding government.

Jim Yardley discusses the current state of things in his article: A Second Bill of Rights, or just another Bill of Goods?. 

For example, we hear that everyone should have "a living wage" or 'decent housing" or a "fair shot".  

What do these slogans mean?  No one really knows but they are very effective campaign talking points.

Why do they cost?  We don't know since they tell us that the rich should pay for it.

Do they have anything to do with living in freedom?  I don't think so since our Founding Fathers saw freedom a little differently than we do today.

Do we want a government to protect and defend our rights OR do we want a government to take care of us, from cradle to grave?  
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter

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