Saturday, March 01, 2025

1932: The Lindbergh baby


On this day in 1932, the most famous baby in the US was kidnapped.   
Charles Lindbergh Jr was 20-months old and his disappearance was a front page story for a long time.   It was the kidnap of kidnaps!   Perhaps the crime of the century!
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1969: The great Mickey Mantle retired from baseball

It was no surprise that Mickey Mantle retired on this day in 1969.   He had been a part-time player for several years and no longer covering center field.    

His numbers were great:  .298 career batting average, 536 HR & 1,509 RBI.

Question:  What would have been his numbers with good knees?   We can only imagine.   My guess is that Mantle would have challenged Ruth's 714 HR!

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

"Cuban-American, Dancing On The Hyphen" by Amarilys Gacio Rassler

This is one of our favorite books about "growing up in the US".     Amarilys writes a lot about her family and recalls little things about Cuban culture.   Lots of fun!



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