Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tuesday's show: President Trump & US economy will be the big factors of the 2018 midterms

Tuesday's show: 
President Trump & US economy will be the big factors of the 2018 midterms

Tuesday's video: President Trump and the US economy will be the two big factors in 2018

Tuesday's video: 
President Trump and the US economy will be the two big factors in 2018

32 trillion reasons to reject Ocasio-Cortez

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Over the last week, we’ve seen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the young woman who defeated incumbent Democrat Representative Crowley, on TV outlining her socialist fantasies.
A new report ought to force Miss Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Sanders to explain how they will pay for Medicare for all.  According to this report, it will be super-expensive
Sen. Bernie Sanders’ “Medicare for all” plan would increase government health care spending by $32.6 trillion over 10 years, according to a study by a university-based libertarian policy center. …
“It’s showing that if you are going to go in this direction, it’s going to cost the federal government $2.5 trillion to $3 trillion a year in terms of spending,” said Kenneth Thorpe [a health policy professor at Emory University]. …
“Enacting something like ‘Medicare for all’ would be a transformative change in the size of the federal government,” said Charles Blahous, the study’s author. Blahous was a senior economic adviser to former President George W. Bush and a public trustee of Social Security and Medicare during the Obama administration. …
Responding to the study, Sanders took aim at the Mercatus Center, which receives funding from the conservative Koch brothers.  Koch Industries CEO Charles Koch is on the center’s board.
Play the Koch card!  What else do these people but play this card or that card?
Indeed, the study was paid for the Koch brothers, but that does not mean that the results are wrong. 
The study confirms what we’ve known for years, unless you are a liberal Democrat looking for a talking point.  In other words, doubling all federal individual and corporate income taxes would not be enough.
But don’t expect Senator Sanders, or most in the media, to explain how he is going to pay for all of this.
Just another reason to go out and vote this November. 
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Kelly staying after all..........

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Remember when we had stories based on anonymous sources that Kelly would be gone soon?  

It was a done deal or so we heard.

Guess what?  He is staying until 2020:  "John Kelly expected to stay at White House through 2020 election...."

What were all of those stories about?  Who was feeding that nonsense to the media?  

Beware of any story based on anonymous sources.  In other words, be skeptical of the reporter's motives when you see these "headline" stories.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Trump's approval steady but Iran's currency dropping

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We have a couple of headlines today that may say something about the near future.

Over in Iran, the currency is struggling or it dropped 18% in two days.  

According to the story, the "....rial has been crashing in recent days as the country anxiously awaits the reimposition of full US sanctions, starting on August 6."

Over here, President Trump's approvals are holding steady at 48% at Rasmussen.  By the way, I like Rasmussen because it is based on likely voters and has a good track record.

What does it mean?  Iran's leadership is in trouble and President Trump is holding his support.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

450 dead and counting in Nicaragua

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Calling Hollywood.   Your pal Daniel Ortega is crushing a lot of heads down in Nicaragua:  
"With nearly 450 reported dead from anti-government protests in Nicaragua that broke out in April, Mr. Ortega has adopted the Venezuelan strategy of deploying armed paramilitary gangs to enforce political control in what some U.S. analysts are calling a “pattern of repression.
Pattern of repression?  It'd be nice to see some of Ortega's Hollywood friends criticize the killing down in Nicaragua.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

August 2007: How Elvira and the Mexican flag wavers killed immigration reform

A post from August 2007:

On immigration reform, I have a lot more in common with President Bush and Senator McCain than the "everything is amnesty" crowd. I have argued for years that the US needs a rational program to bring seasonal workers and more skilled ones, such as engineers.

We need them both.

What we don't need is Elvira and the Mexican flag wavers. They destroyed any chance for immigration reform with their arrogance, placards and total disrespect for the US, the nation that gave them work and the opportunity to send their kids to public schools and use city hospitals.

Why? Because Elvira and the flag wavers did not want to understand that we are nation of immigrants, but more importantly, a nation of laws!

Yesterday, Elvira blamed the US for Mexico's plight. (It's all NAFTA's fault!) Then she ranted that our immigration system is broken.

Indeed, our system is broken because Elvira and the flag wavers think that they are above the law.

Eventually, we will have a decent immigration overhaul. It won't happen until Elvira and the flag wavers get out of our TV screens!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

August 2007: Captain Ed has a new look and a great post about Iraq

A post from August 2007:

As I wrote before, Captain Ed is one of my favorite blogs. Today, Captain Ed has a new look and a wonderful post about Iraq:
"Everyone knows what they're thinking. If they get outmanuevered again, the Democrats will catch hell from the activist base of their party and likely wind up losing the House to the Republicans in 2008. They can't afford to work cooperatively with the people Pelosi and Reid have successfully demonized with their voters, or they will look like complete hypocrites. That's the wages of demagoguery, and payday's coming in September." (Democrats Miscalculate On Iraq)
Check the full post!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

August 2007: Sanctuary cities should be denied federal funds!

A post from August 2007:

According to the latest Rasmussen:
"Fifty-eight percent (58%) of voters nationwide favor cutting off federal funds for “sanctuary cities” that offer protection to illegal immigrants." (71% Favor Requiring Foreign Visitors to Carry Universal ID Card)
It makes sense to me. Sanctuary cities promote chaos because they are defying the rule of law.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

August 2007: The fence will stop the flow of guns into Mexico!

A post from August 2007:

The "fence" is very unpopular in Mexico. Yet, what are Mexican politicians doing about the inflow of guns from the US. ('Cop-killer' guns from US seen crossing into Mexico)

It's easy to blame US gun laws or the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution.

It's a lot more complicated to explain how or why the guns go south.

The guns are going in because of corruption and an open border. Also, Mexico has turned into a very violent country.

Mexicans have argued that an open border is good for them, i.e. export people and "remesas".

Yet, the unintended consequence is that an open border is also an avenue for guns to go south.

It may be time to build the fence to keep the guns from crossing the border!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

August 2007: Bad night for Rosie and the 9-11 conspiracies!

A post from August 2007:

The History Channel is usually pretty good. Last night, they were excellent. They put to rest all of the 9-11 conspiracies promoted by the likes of Rosie and others.

Rick Moran has a great summary:
"The documentary took no prisoners as it destroyed almost all of the major conspiracy theories associated with 9/11 while revealing the real motivations of the truthers; that they are part of a political movement driven by raw, unreasoning hatred of George Bush, the American government, and to some extent, America itself." (9/11 TRUTHERS GUT PUNCHED BY HISTORY CHANNEL)
It's amazing what's happened to the American left since VP Gore lost Tennessee in 2000! In simple language, they lost their heads and went crazy!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Monday's show: How to pay Medicare for all, name change in Austin and other stories of the day

Monday's show: 
How to pay Medicare for all, name change in Austin and other stories of the day....

Monday's video: The 2018 mid-terms and the latest economic news

Monday's video: 
The 2018 mid-terms and the latest economic news

Another pleasant valley Sunday in the land of liberal silliness

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What do you do when your state is booming and people are moving in in droves?
You can enjoy it or dwell on the past. 
According to news reports, the left-wing island of Austin wants name changes:
Known as both the “father of Texas” and the namesake of the state’s capital, Stephen F. Austin carved out the early outlines of Texas among his many accomplishments.
He also opposed an attempt by Mexico to ban slavery in the province of Tejas and said if slaves were freed, they would turn into “vagabonds, a nuisance and a menace.”
For that reason, the city of Austin’s Equity Office suggested renaming the city in a report about existing Confederate monuments that was published this week.
Also on the list of locales to possibly be renamed: Pease Park, the Bouldin Creek neighborhood, Barton Springs and 10 streets named for William Barton, the “Daniel Boone of Texas,” who was a slave owner.
To be sure, the identified streets and parks are only suggested for reconsideration.  And the city, Bouldin Creek, Pease Park and the Barton-related landmarks – a group that includes Barton Springs – were included in a lower-tier list of “assets for secondary review” in the report.  Still, the report did identify several streets staff consider related to the Confederacy and worthy of more immediate action.
Can’t wait to hear what Beto thinks of that!  He’ll have a chance to make himself clear when he debates Senator Cruz soon.
Name changes again?  What could go wrong?
First, changing names could confuse future suitors looking to move their companies to Austin.  They may move somewhere else in Texas, and left-wing Austin will lose tax revenue and property taxes.
Second, how out of touch with reality are these people?  Have you ever met anyone in Texas dwelling on what Stephen Austin said about Mexico in 1836?  I have not, and I know a lot of Mexican-Americans.  In fact, most Mexicans that I’ve known in Mexico love Austin, Texas!
So what do we have here?  We have a frustrated bunch of people who hate themselves and the country that they are super-fortunate to be living in.
Move to Cuba!  They don’t have any streets or cities named after Confederates.  They also have a lousy economy and no Starbucks to stage a protest in, and the regime locks you up when you speak your mind!
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

August 2008: Our guys are showing their versatility in Iraq!

A post from August 2008:

Bill Kristol has a great article about how our guys in Iraq:
"I spent a week in Iraq recently, and here's what impressed me most: the Americans. In particular, the quality and character of the American soldiers and Marines who are fighting there and trying to help rebuild the nation. I don't mean to slight, in some ethnocentric way, the steadfastness and courage of the Iraqi people. But it was meeting and watching the American soldiers at work that I found most interesting." (Inside Iraq)
That's right! Our guys are not getting the credit that they deserve. They are proving to be great warriors, diplomats and nation-builders!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Remember the one that all politics is local.........

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Once upon a time, the late Democrat Speaker Tip O'Neill said that all politics was local.   

Well, guess who is learning that lesson across the sea:  "Anti-Trump London Mayor Sadiq Khan under fire for 'pathetic' response to crime surge...."

It makes sense.  London is suffering a serious crime wave and the UK political class is distracted with President Trump.  The crime figures are real!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunday's show: The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda

Sunday's show: 
The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda

Sunday's video: Six new great members of Baseball's Hall of Fame

Sunday's video:  
Six new great members of Baseball's Hall of Fame

The US in one direction Cuba and Venezuela in another

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On Friday, President Trump celebrated some good news from the U.S. economy.  In the last week, a different message is coming from Cuba and Venezuela.
We are watching three countries going in different economic directions: the U.S., Cuba, and Venezuela.  It is a classic case of free markets versus socialism.
Down in Cuba, the message has not changed over the years, as the new president reminded us:
Cuba’s economy grew less than expected in the first half of 2018 and an ongoing liquidity crisis will force fresh belt tightening, President Miguel Diaz-Canel said on Sunday.
He is proposing constitutional changes.  However, Cuban perestroika won’t work any better than the one we saw in the USSR.
Venezuela is more than falling apart: “Venezuela could eventually have 1 million percent inflation.”
What does that inflation level mean?  It means this: “Venezuela’s currency has lost 99.9997 percent of its value in the past 6½ years.  To put that in perspective, $333,333 worth of bolivars in 2012 would be worth $1 today.”
A failed state?  I think so!
As I recall, a “bolivar,” the currency, was 4.29 to a U.S. dollar back in the 1980s.  It used to be a middle-class country!
On the other hand, we had great news in the U.S.
It was a good day for the U.S. economy; for workers; and, yes, for President Trump.  It is not the same down in Cuba and Venezuela.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Odor leads Rangers over Astros

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After losing 4 to the A's, including blowing a 10-2 lead in the 7th, the Rangers went into Houston and swept the World Champs.   

Odor led the way with a 5 for 5 night and raising his batting average over .270!   He was hitting under .200 a few weeks ago!

What does it mean?  Not much but it proves that there is talent in this young team.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Saturday's show: The US economy growing & Cuba plus Venezuela falling part plus other stories

Saturday's show:  
The US economy growing & Cuba plus Venezuela falling part plus other stories....

Saturday's video: Capitalism vs socialism in the economies of the US, Cuba & Venezuela

Saturday's video:  
Capitalism vs socialism in the economies of the US, Cuba & Venezuela

Is Senator McCaskill’s lucky streak over?

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In 2006, and later in 2012, Claire McCaskill was the luckiest Democrat in a red state. In 2006, she won a very close election in the big “blue wave” that saw the Democrats pick up the House and U.S. Senate. In 2012, the GOP just gave the seat away with a lousy candidate.
2018 will be different and recent news stories are not helping the incumbent.   
We learned this week that her husband has been on a lucky streak too:  
Now a report in the Kansas City Star reveals that businesses tied to McCaskill’s husband, Joseph Shepard, have received more than $131 million in federal subsidies since she took office in 2007 ($62 million in her first term, $69 million in her second). 
The report says while Shepard doesn’t personally pocket that money, he has benefitted from profits from the housing projects he’s invested in that received those funds.
McCaskill claims she has no role in how the money is awarded or in her husband’s business interests.
Nothing, Senator McCaskill? Really?
Senator McCaskill’s “I knew nothing” story just doesn’t add up.    
Is she saying that she never asked her husband about all of that business success that he was having?   
Didn’t it occur to the senator that someone someday might raise the issue of her husband’s success? 
Watch for Senator McCaskill to play every card known to the Democrat Party, from race to gender to whatever else they have on the shelf.  However, it’s going to be very difficult to persuade voters that her husband got all of those “federal subsidies” by chance.   
Maybe he did, but most people won’t buy it.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Senator Cruz is right...........

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Why are so many fleeing Facebook?  The answer is too much PC, a left wing orientation and selective censorship!

Senator Cruz is right..........."Am no fan of Jones — among other things he has a habit of repeatedly slandering my Dad by falsely and absurdly accusing him of killing JFK — but who the hell made Facebook the arbiter of political speech?  Free speech includes views you disagree with...."

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Friday's show: Good GDP numbers & reporters who scream questions plus more stories

Friday's show:  
Good GDP numbers & reporters who scream questions plus more stories

We will look the new GDP figures out today........Trump and the US economy......The reporters who scream questions at the President.....Happy 70-something Bugs Bunny........Leo Durocher 1905-91.........Bob Hope 1903-2003.......and others stories....

Friday's video: A good day for the US economy

Friday's video:  
A good day for the US economy

Thank you Jerry Jones

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It’s amazing that we are even having a debate about standing up during the national anthem. I recall our sons’ Little League team years ago standing up as someone in the bleachers played the anthem.  It was the way that we started our championship round. How did we get to a point where standing up, or showing respect for your flag, is a matter of controversy.  Is this what eight years of President Obama did to us?
Our Dallas Cowboys are getting ready for training camp.  Jerry Jones put the word out yesterday and I’m delighted:   
Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says his team has a policy requiring Dallas players to stand on the field for the national anthem regardless of any rules the NFL might adopt on the matter.
“I do think this recent effort by the league office and the players association to have discussions… is a worthy effort,” Jones said during a news conference Wednesday at the team’s training camp site in Oxnard, California. “And that’s what you’re seeing happen right now. But in general, I will speak for one, and everybody knows where we stand, and we stand as a team.”
Jones added that the Cowboys do not support players who chose to remain in the locker room during the anthem — something that would be allowed under the league-wide policy passed by team owners in May.
“Our policy is that you stand at the anthem, toe on the line,” said Jones when asked if he would support a player staying in the locker room during the anthem.
The NFL had no comment on Jones’ remarks.
My guess is that thousands of fans are standing up and cheering.
What happens next?  Will Cowboys’ players test Jones?  I don’t think so. Cowboys’ players know that such a move would destroy their careers around here.
What happens with the NFL, the union, or the other owners?  We will see.  My guess is that other NFL owners will follow because they understand what this nonsense did to the league last year.  The union may challenge Jones but I don’t think that he will lose any sleep over it. The commissioner will probably play both sides and hold more meetings.
Jones has shown the league what ownership or leadership looks like.  In other words, the Dallas Cowboys will stand and lineup for the anthem.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Friday and a great GDP report!

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What can you say about good growth or a 4.1% GDP?   You can celebrate and enjoy life with these GDP numbers!

Here is another headline to enjoy today:  "Blockbuster GDP growth delivers for Trump – and proves NY Times, Nobel economist Paul Krugman wrong again".

By the way, has anyone seen Mr. Krugman lately?  

Obviously, President Trump needs sustainable numbers.   For example, we need a repeat of these numbers as we get closer to the mid-term elections.

Nevertheless, a good day for the US economy, workers, and yes for President Trump.

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

This young woman is embarrassing.....to say the least!

Venezuela: What does this level of inflation mean?

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Venezuela is more than falling apart: "Venezuela could eventually have 1 million percent inflation."

What does that inflation level mean?   It means this:  ".....Venezuela’s currency has lost 99.9997 percent of its value in the past 6½ years. To put that in perspective, $333,333 worth of bolivars in 2012 would be worth $1 today."

A failed state?  I think so!

As I recall, a "bolivar", the currency, was 4.29 to a US dollar back in the early 1980's.

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.