Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday's show: The caravan at the border, bad political humor and other stories

Monday's video: The amazing stuff going on in the Korean peninsula

Hot air and Al Gore

For years, I have never understood the doom and gloom mentality of so many people.   One of those "doom and gloomers" is former VP Gore who can't stop talking about the end of the world.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

The 11-18 Rangers took 2 of 3 in Toronto

March 2007: Chlorine gas spoiled the Bush lied nonsense

A post from March 2007:

How about that? Chlorine cache found in Iraq:
"U.S. troops sweeping Baghdad have found containers of nitric acid and chlorine, raising concerns that insurgents are expanding their use of chemicals in the war for power in Iraq, military officials said yesterday.

The containers were found as part of a larger cache of weapons discovered as U.S. and Iraqi troops cleared house after house in the Sunni-majority Ghazaliyah neighborhood in western Baghdad."

Of course, all of this matters a lot. 

So it's real. The terrorists have chemicals and will use them against civilians.   Of course, didn't Pres. Clinton, VP Gore, Sen. Kerry, Sen. Clinton et al say that in 1998 and 2002? 

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday's show: The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda

Sunday's video: Too much sick political humor

Dr. Jackson got the Harry Reid treatment

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Back in 2012, the despicable Senator Reid said on the floor of the U.S. Senate that Governor Romney had not paid his taxes.  Sadly, the media, in the tank for President Obama, never cornered the senator and demanded an explanation.  After all, it was the majority leader of the U.S. Senate who said that.  Who told him such information?  Did someone at the IRS illegally leak it to the majority leader?
In the end, Governor Romney lost, and it passed.
A few days ago, Dr. Ronny Jackson, the man whom President Trump nominated to run the V.A., was accused of bad behavior.  The accusation can’t be backed up, as we see in this report from The Hill:
The accusation against Navy Rear Adm. Ronny Jackson, the White House physician, was one of the more serious allegations the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee examined as part of his confirmation process this month.
A summary of the allegations released earlier this week by Democratic staff on the committee claimed that Jackson “wrecked” a government vehicle after becoming intoxicated at a Secret Service going-away party. 
The story also reports that Senator Tester of Montana never questioned Dr. Jackson about the allegations.
President Trump should re-nominate Dr. Jackson and call out the people who tried to destroy this good man.
I was always skeptical of the whole story.  First, we heard nothing but praise when Dr. Jackson was President Obama’s physician.  Second, no personal physician of the president could get away with such reckless behavior anyway.
It worked for Senator Reid in 2012.  I guess it worked for Senator Tester in 2016.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

What happens when you hate Trump so much that you lose your self control and common sense?

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saturday's show: Democrats debating a mid-term strategy, Senator Tester vs Dr. Jackson & more

Saturday's video: Democrats, impeachment & Russia

Nicaragua is back in the news

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We remember Nicaragua from the 1980’s, i.e. the “contras,” the “Sandinistas,” and other stories from the Reagan years.

Nicaragua is back in the news because of protests and the government’s reaction to them, as we see in news reports:    

Nicaragua has been rocked by a week of protests in which over two dozen people have been killed. 
The protests were triggered by tax hikes and benefit cuts meant to shore up the ailing social security system.
On Sunday, President Daniel Ortega said the government would withdraw the pension changes. 
But he rejected demands to free detained protesters, withdraw the police and lift some censorship.

The U.S. embassy has moved some employees from Managua as a reaction to the violence.    The State Department has also issued a travel warning.

The violence in Nicaragua is related to President Ortega’s proposal to raise taxes to pay for social services & fund public pensions.   President Ortega did promise new negotiations with the opposition but not much has happened yet.   

The international media has been reporting the violence and the death of Angel Gahona, a journalist who was gunned down during his broadcast.  The shooting was caught live on social media. 

The violence has closed stores in Managua, the capital and largest city.  Some reopened but shelves were empty because the violence shutdown weekend deliveries.

Finally, the protests have morphed into a lot more than a reaction to tax increases.   Many demonstrators are also apparently protesting against secrecy, corruption and cronyism.

Nicaragua is back on the front pages and it will probably stay there for a while.

What can the U.S. do?   Nothing directly except to criticize the harsh tactics used against protesters.

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Did Senator Tester of very red Montana want to pick a fight with President Trump in a re-election year?

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Did Senator Tester of very red Montana want to pick a fight with President Trump in a re-election year?   

Well, he is got one:   Trump calls on Tester to resign over Ronny Jackson allegations: ‘His reputation has been shattered’!

Politics aside, it seems to me that a good man was slandered because he was simply nominated by President Trump.    

Bad move by Senator Tester.   Why isn't the media demanding that Senator Tester back up his allegations?

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

The insanity in California brought to you by Jerry Brown and the Democrats

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The insanity in California brought to you by Jerry Brown and the left wing of the Democrat Party.     

It is not pretty in Los Angeles:   As waves of homeless descend onto trains, L.A. tries a new strategy: social workers on the subway!

And then we hear that the capital of liberalism has huge poverty rates.   How is that possible?  

Up the coast and it is ugly in San Francisco:  'Simply unacceptable': Disturbing footage emerges of semi-conscious junkies openly shooting up in front of commuters in vomit-covered BART station as San Francisco struggles to contain its homeless problem.

I'm old enough to remember when they sang about wearing flowers in your hair if you were going to San Francisco.      

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Very sad story: Alfie Evans is dead in the UK........what a horrible story.........feel bad the parents.

ABBA back after 35 years or so we hear

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ABBA back after 35 years or so we hear:   ABBA make new music after 35 years!

I loved ABBA back then so let's see what they plan to record this time around.    

We wish Agnetha Faltskog, Bjorn Ulvaeus, Anni-Frid Lyngstad and Benny Andersson the very best.       Many years ago, they were very good.

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Joy part 2

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We forgive you Joy.   Now do the honorable thing and resign just to prove that you are really serious about the whole thing.

Just think of all of the people that this woman has called a liar over the years.   

It would do her good to step aside and do a little soul searching.

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

March 2007: So there were no WMD's in Iraq?

A post from March 2007:

Did I miss something?   I don't think so but a lot of other people apparently did.

What? No WMDs in Iraq? by Douglas Hanson described the importance of discovering this gas:
"Use of chlorine gas by the jihadists is not about using an industrial chemical of opportunity. Chlorine is actually the grandfather of chemical weapons having been first used by the Germans in World War I at Ypres. Almost immediately after the shells burst, French and Algerian soldiers' respiratory organs were incapacitated or destroyed resulting in severe choking attacks and for some, an agonizing death. The development of Phosgene followed. This is another choking agent, but more deadly since it does not cause as much coughing, so more of it is inhaled by the victim."
Will there be more? Probably so. Our recent surge is hitting the terrorists hard. So get ready for more gas attacks.

What about the "Bush lied" crowd? They will probably say that Bush planted the gas in Al Qaeda's inventories.

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

March 2007: The Valerie Plame (Mrs. Joe Wilson) show is still hard to figure out

A post from March 2007:

Frankly, I don't get it. Was she or wasn't she? So far, I can't tell. 

Rick Moran summarized it best:

"There are two sides to this story. And while it is clear from the Libby trial that there was a concerted effort by the Administration to inform selected members of the press that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA, it is much less clear that Libby, Rove, Armitage, and others knew of her covert status and deliberately tried to ruin her career." (PLAME STILL LEAVES US WONDERING)
It is confusing, to say the least!

March 2007: Another one on Pres. Bush's trip to Latin America

A post from 2007:

Who had a good trip? Bush or Chavez? Let's look at some early results.

According to news reports, the opposition in Argentina isn't happy that their president turned Buenos Aires into a forum for Chavez. How badly did Argentina need $3 billion? I'm sure that Pres. Bush would have been happy to accommodate them. At least, Pres. Bush would not have asked for a stadium to bash Chavez.

In Brazil. socialist Lula looked pretty good doing business with Bush. By the way, Brazil is actively attracting foreign investment. (Look out Mexico!)

In Bolivia, Chavez got a cool reception. In Venezuela, the opposition blasted Chavez.

So far so good. I'm not expecting miracles but the early signs are a lot better than the placards that filled the streets.

P.S. You can listen to my podcast (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

March 2007: The raids, the babies and more lies from The NY Times

A post from 2007:

It's time to bring out our favorite bird. This is the one who can no longer tolerate the NY Times pages on the bottom of the cage.

Cheers for the honest bird!

By now, our Mexican friends have heard about the immigration raids going on in the US. They are part of an aggressive posture by the Bush administration to go after the employers who continue to violate the law.

Well done Pres. Bush.

On Thursday, Bill O'Reilly reacted to The NY Times editorial on the Massachusetts raid. (Immigration Misery)

Nobody wants to hurt children. They are not responsible for our illegal immigration problem or that their parents were born in countries where irresponsible leaders do not want to create jobs.

Yet, what we had in New Bedord was a sweatshop.   I hope that the federal authorities lock up the employer for a long time.

Sweatshops belong in the past. They should not exist in 21st century US.

It is a crime for anyone to hire illegals and pack them into a factory for the purpose of making a profit off their cheap wages. 

If you can't hire people legally then shut down the business or take your manufacturing operations to Guatemala or El Salvador. This is what other textile companies have done!

P.S. You can listen to my podcast (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

March 2007: Sad day for Cowboys' fans

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A post from 2007:

Over the weekend, Cowboys' fans were crushed to learn that Wilford "Crazy Ray" Jones died.

Dallas Cowboys have played in 8 Super Bowls. They had a wonderful coach named Tom Landry. Add players like Roger Staubach, Troy Aikman, Emmett Smith, Tony Dorsett, etc.

What a great team. We love the Cowboys even when they lose heartbreakers like the last minute loss to Seattle a couple months ago.

Crazy Ray was the constant over the years. He was a fixture at Texas Stadium and one of the most popular guys in the area.

We will miss Crazy Ray and his great outfit!

P.S. You can listen to my podcast (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

March 2007: Can you really believe these guys?

A post from March 2007:

Since 1998, Democrats have made incredible statements about Iraq. Now, we can add another list of statements to that file.

"SEN. HARRY REID (D-NV): “As Far As Setting A Timeline … That’s Not A Wise Decision, Because It Only Empowers Those Who Don’t Want Us There.” (Sen. Reid, Remarks To The National Press Club, 01/31/05)

SEN. HILLARY CLINTON (D-NY): “I Don't Believe It’s Smart To Set A Date For Withdrawal. I Don’t Think You Should Ever Telegraph Your Intentions To The Enemy So They Can Await You.” (Village Voice, 9/22/05 Via “Clinton II: Parsing Clinton’s History On Iraq,” National Journal’s The Hotline, 02/13/07)SEN. 

JOE BIDEN (D-DE): “A Deadline For Pulling Out … Will Only Encourage Our Enemies To Wait Us Out.” It Would Be “A Lebanon In 1985, And God Knows Where It Goes From There.” (Sen. Biden, Remarks To The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 06/21/05)

SEN. EVAN BAYH (D-IN): “I, For Example, Am Not In Support Of Circling A Date On A Calendar And Saying, ‘No Matter What, We're Out On That Date.’” (John M. Donnelly and Tim Starks, “Iraq Timetable Gains Momentum,” CQ Weekly, 03/12/07)

Who would rather support? Someone who sticks to a position or someone who flows with the polls!

P.S. You can listen to my podcast (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

March 2007: A positive view of Iraq

A post from March 2007:

If you hate Bush and the US then the Iraq War is a convenient account to deposit every ounce of anti-Americanism.

If you love the truth and history, then Iraq looks a little different.

Of course, there is violence. We are fighting people who kill innocent people. 

Yet, there is a positive story.

Iraq's Accomplishments in Perspective By Austin Bay looks at Iraq and sees something more than the violence that the media loves to put on our TV screens:
"In terms of fundamental historical changes favoring 21st century freedom and peace, what Free Iraq and its Coalition allies have accomplished in four short years is nothing short of astonishing.Consider what Iraq was, not simply in A.D. March 2003, but in 2003 B.C. Both historical frames provide instructive lessons in the obvious."
So stand back, get over anti-Americanism and take a hard look at the truth:
"The Iraqi people are earning their victory and their liberty. The price for both is inevitably paid in blood, sweat and toil. At this point in history, they need American patience."
The Iraqis are in this fight and they are fighting! 

They are also voting, as we saw 3 times.

P.S. You can listen to my podcast (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday's show: The Comey interview, Korea, Nicaragua and Babe Ruth said goodbye in 1947

Friday's video: The strange case of Dr. Jackson.

CNN’s Jim Acosta goes after Trump voters

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CNN newsman Jim Acosta has a way of getting attention.   
He shouted questions at President Trump when he was playing with children at the White House Easter Egg Hunt.   He does a terrible imitation of Sam Donaldson.   

And now he is apparently attacking Trump voters, saying:    

Their elevator might not hit all the floors.
And that people who threaten reporters are Trump supporters.
Acosta on Wednesday said he did not intend to imply that people who threaten reporters are all supporters of President Trump.
“Regarding my interview with Variety, my comments have been twisted by some outlets,” he tweeted. “As you can plainly see, I’m not referring to Trump supporters. I am talking about people who threaten journalists. 

O.K., I don’t pretend to read Acosta’s mind or to know what’s in his heart.   Therefore, I prefer to listen to what he actually said.   It sounds to me here that Acosta was indeed talking down the Trump voters.

Acosta was saying that President Trump’s attacks on the media may inspire someone to harm journalists.     

To be honest, I do agree that President Trump tweets or attacks the media way too much, specially the networks with lousy viewership or newspapers losing money.    

At the same time, his attacks on the media are no more vicious than what President Obama or Democrats said about Fox News.    Did Jim Acosta ever say that those attacks threatened journalists?

Maybe someone at CNN will finally figure out that Jim Acosta is a ratings disaster.     At the same time, I don’t watch him and my guess is that most of you don’t, either.

P.S. You can listen to my podcast (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

And now Brokaw

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Frankly, I don't know the truth.   In my book,  Mr. Brokaw is innocent until proven guilty.   Nevertheless, it is another blow for the media and the many who lectured us about how to treat women.

P.S. You can listen to Silvio Canto’s show (Canto Talk) and follow him on Twitter.

The 10-17 Rangers make it 2 in a row.

Bye bye California

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Bye bye California or so we hear:  
In an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal headlined "So Long, California. Sayonara, New York," Laffer and Moore (who have both advised President Donald Trump) say the new tax bill will cause a net 800,000 people to move out of California and New York over the next three years.
Time will tell but it makes sense to me.

P.S. You can listen to Silvio Canto’s show (Canto Talk) and follow him on Twitter.

Texas voter ID law can go into effect

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Good news from from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals:   Texas Voter ID Law Gets the Go-Ahead!    The 2-1 decision reversed a lower court’s ruling.    Wonder how this decision will impact other Voter ID laws around the country?

P.S. You can listen to Silvio Canto’s show (Canto Talk) and follow him on Twitter.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday's show: Pompeo confirmation, Mexico's TV presidential debate & we remember April 1865

Thursday's video: A word about the first presidential debate in Mexico

The Supreme Court needs to take up DACA…now

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Another judge and another opinion about DACA.    
The new ruling is being hailed as a great victory for “the dreamers” and a terrible defeat for President Trump.   
The AP has an interesting headline: Judge deals big setback to Trump on ‘Dreamers’ program!    
This is from the story:   
A federal judge ruled that the Trump administration must resume a program that has shielded hundreds of thousands of young immigrants from deportation but gave it 90 days to restate its arguments before his order takes effect.
The ruling by U.S. District Judge John D. Bates in Washington, if it survives the 90-day reprieve, would be a new setback for the administration because it would require the administration to accept requests from first-time applicants for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Two nationwide injunctions earlier this year applied only to renewal requests.
Did the judge really deal a setback to Trump?    
I don’t think so. After all, the judge’s opinion said the President can’t terminate the program. At the same, the judge put everything on hold for three months so that the Trump administration can come up with a better argument for its actions. After he reads the White House’s justification, he may reinstate the program.
So let me get this straight. What program? A judge, where ever he is, is going to tell the U.S. Congress and president that he will reinstate a program that expired on its own. Can someone brief the judge that DACA expired?
Furthermore, is the judge saying that a program based on an executive order, not a law, can be reinstated? Under this judge’s reasoning, we should eliminate Congress and just govern by executive orders. In other words, let’s dump the U.S. Constitution, let presidents govern by decree, and then the judges will approve or reject them.
Memo to Supreme Court: please take up DACA. We need you!
P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

Keep Joy Reid around to show the left's double standard in display

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Keep Joy Reid around to show the left’s double standard:  Joy Reid’s Hacking Story Filled With Holes!
Check this out:
MSNBC’s Joy Reid may be a star of the #Resistance movement, but she reportedly sided with “kick-ass funny’ Donald Trump and fat-shamed Rosie O’Donnell over a decade ago at the height of the public feud between the current president and former talk show host.
It’d be a mistake to remove Joy from TV.   Let her continue to explain whatever she tweeted or said in the past.
She is only proving that there is a terrible double standard in the media.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday's show: Texas 2018 elections, DACA & a the caravan at the border with George Rodriguez

Wednesday's video: The Supreme Court needs to take up DACA

The other border crisis we don’t hear much about

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Our border problems appear manageable compared to what’s happening on two borders in South America: Brazil-Venezuela and Colombia-Venezuela.
Down in South America, the deterioration of Venezuela is creating a mess for two neighbors, as we see in this report:
The flow of migrants fleeing Venezuela’s collapsing economy is increasing every day, putting a strain on Colombia’s health and education systems and its jobs market, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said.
“Venezuela is on the verge of imploding,” Santos told Bloomberg TV Monday.  “What we hope is that this implosion will be peaceful and not violent, because otherwise we will have a tremendous avalanche of more Venezuelans coming to Colombia.”
The migrant crisis is probably the biggest challenge facing Colombia at the moment, Santos said.  Venezuelans are currently crossing the border into Colombia at the rate of more than 100,000 per month, according to data from the immigration authority, with many more arriving illegally. 
Venezuela’s economy will contract 15 percent this year, according to the latest forecasts by the International Monetary Fund, while inflation accelerates to about 13,000 percent.  As shortages worsen across the country, many people are lacking basic levels of nutrition.
We certainly understand the one about straining health and education systems.  Also, I had no idea that it was 100,000 a month, or potentially 1.2 million in a year.
Something similar is happening on the Brazil-Venezuela border.  According to a news report, 40,000 have already crossed that border.
Unlike Colombia, Brazil has the advantage of geography.  On the other hand, there are Venezuelan cities closer to the border, such as Merida and Maracaibo, the second largest city.
No matter what, the Venezuela problem has now spilled over to other countries.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Adrian Beltre out with a hamstring

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday's show: Mexico election, Pompeo vote, Venezuela borders and the rescue in Iran '80

Tuesday's video: The crisis in the Venezuela-Colombia & Venezuela-Brazil borders

What education in Venezuela?

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Like an awful novel, the one about Venezuela is one horrific chapter after another.  
The latest is the one about kids and schools. We remind you that the Chavez-Maduro regime, like the Castro dictatorship, have always boasted about free education.    
Unfortunately, free education matters little when kids have to worry about eating and surviving. 
This is from Reuters:    
Thousands of Venezuelan children in Cucuta are not going to school, spending their days alone, following their parents, selling items on the streets or begging. 
Every day more arrive. About 40,000 Venezuelans were legally entering Colombia each month at the end of 2017, according to Colombian authorities, with thousands more thought to enter illegally.
All along the Venezuelan border, towns are struggling to cope. Last week, leaders of Brazil’s state of Roraima asked the Supreme Court for permission to close its border temporarily to halt the mass arrival.
While many Venezuelans with the means to migrate legally fled years ago, those leaving today are often seeking jobs to send money to families back home. Few seek political asylum.
Aid groups and authorities warn poverty plus lack of schooling or daily supervision will push children into the ranks of Colombia’s organized crime groups.
“If you don’t educate a child, you can’t correct that. You totally change the trajectory of their life,” said Yadira Galeano, Norwegian Refugee Council manager for Colombia’s border areas.
“Many kids end up being easy subjects for criminal or armed groups.”
This story confirms the humanitarian crisis underway in Venezuela, a country with huge oil reserves that was once rather prosperous and stable.

P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
