A post from March 2007:
Did I miss something? I don't think so but a lot of other people apparently did.
What? No WMDs in Iraq? by Douglas Hanson described the importance of discovering this gas:
"Use of chlorine gas by the jihadists is not about using an industrial chemical of opportunity. Chlorine is actually the grandfather of chemical weapons having been first used by the Germans in World War I at Ypres. Almost immediately after the shells burst, French and Algerian soldiers' respiratory organs were incapacitated or destroyed resulting in severe choking attacks and for some, an agonizing death. The development of Phosgene followed. This is another choking agent, but more deadly since it does not cause as much coughing, so more of it is inhaled by the victim."Will there be more? Probably so. Our recent surge is hitting the terrorists hard. So get ready for more gas attacks.
What about the "Bush lied" crowd? They will probably say that Bush planted the gas in Al Qaeda's inventories.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.