Thursday, April 30, 2020

Open or not plus General Flynn and the Democrats have a Tara problem

Open or not plus General Flynn and the Democrats have a Tara problem 04/30 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

The debate over reopening states.......The Democrats and the Tara problem.......General Flynn and abuse of power....Hitler dead 1945...President Washington 1789.......other stories.....
check to listen:

Thursday’s video: Biden has a Tara problem......

Corporate Media Silent On New Accusation Of Sexual Assault By Joe ...

Thursday’s video:
Biden has a Tara problem......
click to watch:

A reporter gets the Mr. & Mrs. Parker treatment

Review: “A Christmas Story” | The Viewer's Commentary
As a fan of A Christmas Story movie, I remember how Ralphie and his brother used to get reprimanded by their parents.  It was a two-step strategy:  Dad, or the old man, would yell at you and Mom, the absolutely wonderful Mrs. Parker, would give Ralphie a hug when you were serving your punishment.
On Tuesday morning, a reporter decided to show up President Trump.  He obviously went there on a “gotcha” mission and ended up making a total fool of himself.
Here’s what happened:  
“Mr. President, overall South Korea has done five times more tests than the U.S. per capita,” Walker said. “Why is that?
“I don’t think that’s true,” Trump replied.
Walker said that it was true, and Trump directed the question to Birx, the response coordinator for the coronavirus task force.
Then Dr. Birx detailed the numbers and that the President was right all along.
President Trump confronted him and asked for an apology.   (He did later by the way)
What followed was fun to watch.  
President Trump jumped all over the reporter.  Dr. Birx smiled at the reporter and told him to check the facts.
It was great.  Maybe President Trump should let Dr. Birx put more reporters in their place.  She’s beautiful at it.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

2016 show: The death of Fidel Castro with Dr. Carlos Eire & Fausta Rodriguez Wertz

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Trump calls out China plus media double standard and Duke Ellington

Trump calls out China plus media double standard and Duke Ellington 04/29 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

China WHO and President Trump.....The media and President Trump.....The states are opening slowly but surely.......Biden and the Tara story that won't go away....Mayor De Blasio sparks a controversy with the Jewish community......Duke Ellington 1799-1974....Happy # 86 Luis Aparicio......other stories.....
click to listen:

Wednesday’s video: Reporters on a mission.....

Timeline: Trump administration's response to coronavirus

Wednesday’s video:
Reporters on a mission.....
click to watch:

The money is on Trump

polls (@polls) | Twitter
On Tuesday morning, the Real Clear Politics average had former VP Biden up by 6.3 against President Trump.  At the same time, the “betting odds” or the people who bet their money has the President up by 5.5.
What does it all mean?  
First, polls are snapshots, as they say.  Also, polls are all about samples.  
Second, “betting odds” are people who actually put their money down.  It’s not an emotional snapshot but rather a more logical decision based on the future.
My bet is that President Trump will be reelected.  
By Labor Day, voters will look at what he did to fight this virus.  They will reward him his administrative skills and how he reacted to the situation.
As for the Democrats, they need something more than saying that President Trump was “unprepared.”  They will need a coherent candidate or anyone who can unite the party.
By the fall campaign, the range of issues will expand beyond the virus.  For example, the Democrat candidate is going to have explain why “blue states” should be bailed out.
So the betting odds are with the President and I agree. 
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

2016 post election show with Richard Baehr, American Thinker


The US election results with Richard Baehr, American Thinker 11/11 by Silvio Canto Jr | News Podcasts:

Guest: Richard Baehr, Chief Political Correspondent American Thinker........we will look back at Election 2016........what happened? Nobody predicted a Trump victory specially in states like Pennsylvania and Michigan........the GOP held its US Senate majority against all odds........what happens to the Democrats? will we see a civil war between the left and center? Is the Clinton era over? where does the GOP go from here?........and some final thoughts about an election campaign unlike any other in recent to listen:

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Blue state economics plus the Democrats have a "Tara" problem plus more

Blue state economics plus the Democrats have a "Tara" problem plus more 04/28 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

The media and President Trump....'Blue state economics' can not be fixed by money alone........The Democrats and the Tara problem.....Clinton endorses Biden.....Stacey Abrams wants to be VP.....China and the virus....Howard Stern and Trump supporters.....other stories....
click to listen:

Tuesday’s video: Why the double standard about Tara & Biden....

Political Cartoon: #MeToo adapts to Biden

Tuesday's video:
Why the double standard about Tara & Biden....
click to listen:

2020: The year of Corona and Tara

With 16 Months to go, Negative Partisanship Predicts the 2020 ...
Who knew two months ago that we’d be shut down by a virus called Corona or that the Biden campaign would be brought down by a woman named Tara?   
Tara and Corona — the two that no one saw coming.   
Former VP Joe Biden has two choices.  He can “double down,” or he can step aside and take one for the party, as Liz Peek is recommending:   
In this #MeToo era, Democrat officials could use that accusation to get Uncle Joe to withdraw from the race.   
Why would that be good for Democrats? Because they know that Biden is a weak candidate who may be suffering cognitive decline and is not likely to beat President Trump in November. The inability of the former vice president to reliably string two sentences together is alarming and will only become more evident as the months pass.
Liz Peek makes a lot of sense.  But there may be a lot of unexpected consquences if “Uncle Joe” decides to go back to retirement.
First, who replaces him?  Do you think that the Sanders’ supporters are just going to sit in the bleachers and watch “the elders” of the party select a candidate?  I don’t think so.  They will walk out and go out of their way to hurt the party.
Second, who is going to persuade Biden?  He can wave polls that show that he beats the President.
Third, who gets the nomination?  Governor Andrew Cuomo?  Hillary Clinton?  John Kerry?  Beto O’Rourke?
It’s a mess and there are no easy choices.
No matter what, we are living in the year of the unpredictable, from Corona to Tara.   
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Monday, April 27, 2020

States opening plus Biden double standard & the briefings

States opening plus Biden double standard & the briefings 04/27 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

The states opening up this week.....The briefings now that govenors are making decisions......Biden and the media double standard....other stories....
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Monday’s video: The briefing makes a change....

Inside the Beltway: The media persists during coronavirus task ...

Monday’s video:
The briefing makes a change.....
click to watch:

Univision downsizing

Over the years, I’ve been invited to the local Univision affiliate for political commentary.  For the record, I’ve always been treated well and have many friends who work with Spanish media.
We learned this week that layoffs and furloughs are coming.  Of course, we wish our friends the very best.
This is the word:     
CEO Vince Sadusky notified employees via email that the company had to undergo restructuring due to the coronavirus pandemic and outlined those “containment actions.” 
Among them, company-wide layoffs and furloughs — anywhere from one to four weeks and likely longer for people working in the sports division, executive pay cuts and suspension of 401K matching contributions.
When asked about the announced restructuring plans that have rattled staffers, the company issued this statement:
“Despite Univision’s strengths and recent growth momentum, the coronavirus pandemic has caused a significant contraction of business amongst our advertisers that has a direct impact on our business. While we have made every effort to protect jobs during this time, due to these economic circumstances, we have made the difficult decision to take a number of cost containment actions across the company including restructuring our teams and reducing our workforce across all divisions and functions. We believe these actions will help us emerge from this global health crisis in the best and strongest position possible so we can continue to deliver essential, uninterrupted content to our loyal viewers and continue serving the Hispanic community.”
The current economic situation broke the camel’s back, as they say. 
However, I spoke with a friend before the coronavirus and he feared that layoffs were coming.  
He told me on the phone that the new ownership wanted to go more into “streaming” to attract the younger viewers switching to English speaking networks.  He lamented that too many of their viewers were older.
No matter what, my best to the staff and let’s hope that they can move on to other opportunities.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda

The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda 04/26 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

Guest: Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda........President Trump pauses the briefings....Media total overreaction to the disinfectant story......what happens to VP Biden now that some are calling for him to step down......Little Sister and North Korea....Hispanics 40% for President Trump in new poll...Michigan Democrat under attack for thanking President....Protests growing from coast to coast....and other stories.....
click to listen:

Tim McCarver's 5 favorite baseball books

Image result for tim mccarver images
Some of us are old enough to remember Tim McCarver as Bob Gibson's catcher (they won the NL pennant in '64, '67 and '68) and later with Steve Carlton in the late 70's.

A few years ago, Tim McCarver wrote an article about his five favorite baseball books:

His five choices are:

1.  "Ball Four" by Jim Bouton;

2.  "The summer game" by Roger Angell;

3.  "The great American Novel" by Phillip Roth;

4.  "The Boys of Summer" by Roger Kahn; and, 

5. "October 1964" by David Halberstam.

I have read all but #3 or the one by Phillip Roth.

Bouton's book was very controversial. I did not like it because he betrayed clubhouse confidentiality.   Bouton played for the NY Yankees and finished with the Seattle Pilots, the '69 expansion team that was moved to Milwaukee in '70.

Kahn's "Boys of Summer" is probably the best baseball book ever.  This is a wonderful gift for a grandfather, father or uncle who grew up in Brooklyn.

Halberstam's book is a recollection of the end of the Yankee dynasty and the great NL pennant race of '64.   McCarver's Cardinals beat the NY Yankees in 7 games.  It was Mantle's last Series.  Also, it introduced Bob Gibson who won game 7 in '64 and '67!  He also struck out 17 in game 1 of the '68 but the Cardinals lost to the Tigers!

Angell's book is a good one for an airplane flight.

As always, McCarver is great when it comes to talking or reading baseball.

1865: Who was John Wilkes Booth?

Image result for john wilkes booth images
We remember that John Wilkes Booth was killed on this day in 1865.  

Booth went into hiding after killing President Lincoln.  He was found by Union troops hiding in a farm and killed there.

Booth was a popular actor at the time.  His family was one of the first families of American theater.  He made his New York debut in 1862 and things were looking up.  However, a respiratory illness in 1863 put him on the sidelines for a while.

His other passion was the cause of the Confederacy or the South.  It motivated him to kill President Lincoln at Ford's Theater in Washington DC.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Maybe we need to inject some reality

Coronvairus Derangement Syndrome | Editorial Cartoons ...
On Thursday, I watched the coronavirus briefing and found the presentation about disinfectants and summer temperatures rather interesting.   
On Friday morning, I woke up seeing headlines that President Trump was telling people to inject disinfectants to kill the virus.   

Has Trump Derangement Syndrome done this to people?  I guess so.
It was good to see Briebart do a little fact checking:   
CLAIM: President Donald Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectant to cure coronavirus.
VERDICT: False. Trump was speaking generally about new information about sunlight, heat, and disinfectant killing the virus.     
President Trump is being quoted out of context — as usual — by left-wingers on social media who are accusing him of suggesting injecting people with disinfectant as a way of curing coronavirus infections.
Yes, President Trump is often quoted out of context but this one tops the list.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Friday, April 24, 2020

A look at Venezuela with Leopoldo Lopez-Gil

A look at Venezuela with Leopoldo Lopez-Gil 04/24 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

Guest: Leopoldo Lopez-Gil Venezuelan exile living in Europe...former member of EL NACIONAL editorial board....and other stories...
click to listen:

Friday’s video: Hysterical overreaction from the anti-Trump side.....

Trump Derangement Syndrome - Photos | Facebook

Friday’s video:
Hysterical overreaction from the anti-Trump side.....
click to listen:

More polls less reality

We're Tracking 2020 Polls | FiveThirtyEight
A new NBC poll shows that most Americans would rather stay home than restart the economy too soon.  This is from NBC:   
Nearly 60 percent of American voters say they are more concerned that relaxing stay-at-home restrictions would lead to more COVID-19 deaths than they are that the restrictions will hurt the U.S. economy, according to a new national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
I understand that sentiment, but the pollster is missing the larger point.
Of course, we should not be irresponsible and open up too soon.  
At the same time, who is going to pay your mortgage or rent in July?  How much longer can the electric company extend your payment?  How many more direct deposits is the federal government going to make?
Most of us got money in April and federal loans are keeping payrolls intact for now.   We may see a repeat in May.  
Can we realistically expect a government to send money to people sitting at home?  I don’t think so. 
So maybe we should ask a different question:   Are you willing to go back safely to work so that you can stay in your home or keep your lights on?
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

A look at the financial condition of "blue states" with Richard Baehr

A look at the financial condition of "blue states" with Richard Baehr 04/23 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

Guest: Richard Baehr, Chief Political Correspondent American Thinker......We will look at the talk of bailing out 'blue states' after Coronavirus.....and other to listen:

Thursday’s video: Talk of bailing out blue to watch:

New York Taxpayer Post Labor Day Weekend Blues– New Announcements ...

Thursday’s video:
Talk of bailing out blue states....
click to watch:

Trump paused immigration

Not surprisingly, U.S. President Donald Trump has signed what he calls a pause to immigration to the United States for 60 days while the country battles with the spread of the covid-19 coronavirus.
This announcement has spurred massive controversy both in the United States and abroad, particularly in Mexico.
But it is important to understand that Trump’s plan is for a pause, not a permanent closing of immigration into the country.
Trump tried to explain this when he first made the announcement.
Nevertheless, the widely expected Democrat response came swiftly, as Forbes published on Tuesday, April 22:  “Trump Slammed For ‘Xenonophic Scapegoating’ after Proposing U.S. Immigration Ban.”
And there were plenty of other headlines that followed.
Another factor that is important to remember is that Trump’s decision is not totally about Mexico (or even about Central American migrants), although, by most accounts, the situation south of the U.S. border is uncertain, to say the least.
As Pulse News Mexico pointed out on Sunday, April 19, when the official death count in Mexico passed the 100-people-a-day mark:
“With 622 new confirmed cases, the number of the total infected in the country had risen to nearly 7,500 on Saturday, (Health Undersecretary Hugo) Lopez-Gatell said, although many medical experts are warning that the incidence of the disease is grossly unreported in Mexico.”
Again, read the line; “grossly unreported.”
My personal and business contacts in Mexico are saying the same thing. In other words, they don’t feel that the United States actually knows the extent of the virus’ spread in Mexico due to a lack of testing and an absence of government accountability regarding cases.
In short, there is no way of knowing whether Mexico will follow in the footsteps of North Dakota or Italy. There simply is no reliable information on which to make a judgement.
The only thing we know for sure is that covid-19 cases are on the rise in Mexico, and without transparency about figures from the Mexican government, there is no telling how widespread the pandemic in Mexico really is.
Given this lack of a clear picture of what is really happening in Mexico in terms of the covid-19 pandemic, Trump’s instincts were right, just as they were right when he banned flights from China in January.
The situation in Tijuana — the most important Mexican border town for both Mexican and Central American migrants entering into the United States — has, according to the Union-Tribune from neighboring San Diego, turned into what health workers there describe as “like a time bomb,” with insufficient beds and equipment and pressure from their superiors to not release accurate figures.
Because of the cramped living conditions that migrants endure — both on the Mexican side of the border and in the United States when they are laboring as farm workers (often living with four to five people to a room), they are particularly vulnerable to contracting the coronavirus.
And since most of them do not have health insurance, if they do fall ill, they become wards of the state, putting even more strain on already-stretched financial and medical resources.
Finally, it seems that the critics of Trump’s bill are overlooking the fine (well, not-so-fine, since it is pretty blatant) print of the president’s bill: The ban only applies to Green Card applicants, not temporary workers.
Since the covid-19 pandemic has hit the United States, more than 22 million American workers have joined the ranks of the unemployed.
With the country hemorrhaging jobs at an unprecedented rate, Trump is simply trying to give priority for what new jobs may appear to people already living in the country and desperate to put food on their tables.
What he is saying is that there is no need to import new permanent workers at this time because there is already a serious glut of potential jobholders.
If House Speaker Nancy Pelosi really does believe that Donald Trump does not have the best interests of the American people at heart, she should call for an emergency vote and stop him.
But my good guess is that she won’t, because a lot of Democrats understand the insanity of open borders in the middle of a pandemic.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Restart economy and public protests plus more

Restart economy and public protests plus more 04/22 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

We need to work as soon as possible.....Protests across the country.....Mexico and Coronavirus...Michelle Obama for VP......Earth Day 1970....and other to listen:

Wednesday’s video: Yes we need to restart the economy as soon as poss...


Wednesday’s video:
Yes we need to restart the economy as soon as possible......
click to listen:

President Trump is right to stop immigration temporarily

Homepage | USCIS
Not surprisingly, President Trump paused immigration to the U.S.  It is actually a pause, not a permanent decision.  
Nevertheless, the widely expected Democrat response came swiftly:   Trump Slammed For ‘Xenonophic Scapegoating’ After Proposing U.S. Immigration Ban
And I’m sure that there are other headlines out there.
President Trump’s decision is not totally about Mexico but the situation south of the border is uncertain, to say the least.   
Our family friend Therese Margolis is the editor of Pulse News Mexico, a digital newspaper.  This is a post from yesterday:   
As of Saturday, April 18, more than 100 people had died from COVID-19 in the past 24 hours in Mexico, bringing the country’s death toll to 650, Public Health Undersecretary Hugo López-Gatell said.
With 622 new confirmed cases, the number of the total infected in the country had risen to nearly 7,500 on Saturday, Lopez-Gatell said, although many medical experts are warning that the incidence of the disease is grossly unreported in Mexico.
To better contain the spread of the disease, on Thursday, April 16, the Mexican government announced an extension of a nationwide lockdown until May 30.
Again, read the line “grossly unreported.”   
My personal and business contacts are saying the same thing.  In other words, they don’t feel that we actually know the extent of the virus in Mexico.  
A friend told me this on the phone a few hours:  “Somos Italia o Dakota del Norte?”  He is saying “Are we Italy or North Dakota”?  
So President Trump’s instincts are right as they were when he banned flights from China in January.  
Speaker Nancy Pelosi should call for an emergency vote and stop President Trump.  My good guess is that she won’t because a lot of Democrats understand the insanity of open borders in the middle of a pandemic.
Where is former VP Biden?  I have not heard.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

The 7 Cubans in the 1967 AL pennant race

As we wait for the 2020 baseball season to get going, let’s remember one great pennant race story from the past. 
It was 1967 and 4 teams were in contention for the AL pennant entering the last weekend of the season. 
They were Boston, Minnesota, Detroit and Chicago. We remind you that before divisional play was introduced in 1969, the World Series, or post season, was between the AL and NL champs.  In other words, no divisions or wild cards back then. 
There were 7 Cubans playing in those 4 teams that weekend. 
The Minnesota Twins had perennial All Star Tony Olivaex-MVP Zoilo Versalles, outfielder Sandy Valdespino and back-up catcher Hank Izquierdo
Oliva led the AL with 34 doubles and hit .289 and Versalles played 160 games at shortstop. 
The Boston Red Sox had a outfielder Jose Tartabull.  His son Danny hit 252 HR in the majors later. 
The Detroit Tigers had a veteran pitcher Orlando Peña
The Chicago White Sox had a young pitcher Aurelio Monteguado
Back to the story and the amazing pennant race, as you can read in this article by Tim Wendel:
With two weeks left in the 1967 season, the Boston Red Sox, Detroit Tigers, and Minnesota Twins were tied for first place in the American League, with the Chicago White Sox a half-game back. 
As Mr. Wendel explains, most experts had picked the Orioles to repeat as AL champs.    Unfortunately, the O’s had injuries and never got going.
Chicago was eliminated Friday night. Detroit was eliminated on Sunday. 
It came down to game #162 between Boston and Minnesota.   The Red Sox won and they went on to the World Series. It was very exciting and I remember watching the last two games between Boston and Minnesota on TV. 
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Trump pauses immigration plus Nixon 1994

Trump pauses immigration plus Nixon 1994 04/21 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

President Trump and stopping immigration........Some states relaxing lockdown rules.... President Nixon 1994...other stories...
click to listen:

Tuesday’s video: President Trump is right about putting a halt on immi...

ᐈ For immigration stock photos, Royalty Free immigration images ...

Tuesday’s video:
President Trump is right about putting a halt on immigration......
click to watch: