Italy and Spain have been on the front pages for all of the wrong reasons. Both countries have been devastated by the Corona Virus. We see the daily videos and terrible reports coming out of those countries.
So it was nice to see this report on PanAm Post:
Five percent of those infected have died from the pandemic that has paralyzed the world.The majority — over 663,000 of those infected — are suffering from mild symptoms, and over 143,000 have been cured.While we shouldn’t underestimate the death toll of over 30,000 people so far, amid concerns about the coronavirus pandemic, it is also important to note that the numbers are proportionately encouraging.The disease is usually fatal for elderly patients and those with pre-existing medical conditions. People with cardiac and respiratory issues, and especially, cancer patients are most likely to die due to COVID-19.Although there are cases of healthy people and young people who have died from the virus, they are rare.There have also been older people who have survived, including those over 100 years old.
Thank God for the good news! Speaking of deaths is never easy. Nevertheless, it’s nice to see that most are surviving.
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