Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Wednesday's podcast: Texas vs Biden administration with George Rodriguez


Wednesday's podcast:   

Texas vs Biden administration with George Rodriguez.....

Wednesday's video: The border story with George Rodriguez from South Texas

Wednesday's video: 
 The border story with George Rodriguez from South Texas


Joe discovers that the other Joe is a liberal

Joe discovers that the other Joe is a liberal: Just saw some interesting remarks from retiring Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia.  He sure sounds like a candidate to me.  As they say if it looks like a candidate, talks like a candidate, then it probably is a candidate. 

Click to read:

A word about January 31

On this day in 1865, the US House passed the 13th Amendment.  It was sent to the states for ratification and approved in November.  
President Lincoln just gets better with age. He was the right man at the most critical moment in US history.    A few years ago, a great movie came out about his efforts to pass the 13th amendment that abolished slavery.   It was a great movie!

Happy # 77 to the great Nolan Ryan who was born on this day in 1947 in Refugio, Texas.  His numbers are unbelievable:   324 wins, 3.19 ERA, 5,714 K and 7 no-hitters.     Ryan was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1999.

The great Ernie Banks was born in Dallas, Texas, on this day in 1931.     He died in 2014.  Over the years, I've seen some great players in person and TV.  Sadly, I never got to see Ernie Banks in person but do recall hearing #500 on WGN radio.  

We remember Jackie Robinson, who was born in Cairo, Georgia, on this day in 1919.     He died October 24, 1972.

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

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