Saturday, January 18, 2025

US-China: What could go wrong?

We hear a lot about China and the US.  We are told that China is stealing us blind or just taking all of our manufacturing jobs.  

What happens when one country buys billions of dollars in public bonds or literally makes just about everything that we can consume?  The answer is that we are vulnerable to that country.

My guess is that we've reached a point where a US president needs to sit down with China and reset the rules of the game.  Yes, we want free trade but that's not what we have now.

There are also national security implications when one country can exercise undue influence because they hold a lot of your debt.

It's time to reset the relationship.  We can start by making it more profitable for US companies to manufacture in the US and to attract more foreign investment into our economy.

Click here for the show with Orestes Matacena and his movie "Two de Force":

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

Tags: US-China: What could go wrong?  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!


The death of Cleopatra and the movie with Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor Cleopatra Hair And Wardrobe Test Photograph | Etsy
We discussed the death of Cleopatra with Leslie Eastman and Barry Jacobsen.  

Of course, this is another anniversary of Elizabeth Taylor's role as Cleopatra in 1963.      Leslie has a link to a review of the movie.

I have not seen all of the Cleopatra movies but it's hard to top Elizabeth Taylor.

Click for our show:  The Battle of Actium and the Murder of to listen.

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Camelot: Myth or reality with Leslie Eastman & Barry Jacobsen

We spoke with Barry Jacobsen and Leslie Eastman about the story of Camelot.  

This Leslie's post:

"In it, we will be comparing the Myth and Legend of Camelot to what is actually known about 5th and 6th century Britain via written and archeological records. Some of the topics to be covered.

  • Was there a King Arthur who ruled Britain?
  • Who exactly were the “Knights of the Round Table”?
  • Was there a Queen Guinevere, and if she existed, would she have been involved with Sir Lancelot?
  • Was Merlin real or fantasy?
  • How did Arthur die?"
Click here for the show:

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