Sunday, July 22, 2007

July 2007: The investors loved President Bush!

A post from July 2007:

Yesterday, the stock market hit 14,000! It is a new record high! Obviously, someone likes what President Bush is doing:
"In just the past year alone, the Dow has gained a remarkable 30 percent. Meanwhile, Europe and Asia are up about 30 percent, Japan 23 percent, and emerging markets more than 60 percent. Clearly, the world is voting -- with real money -- for the American system of free-market capitalism. And it's my strong suspicion that the majority of the global investing community supports the Iraq War and a steadfast U.S. commitment to stop terrorism. They seem to know that if the United States doesn't do it, no one else will." (A Stock Market Vote of Confidence for BushBy Lawrence Kudlow)
So cheer up. The economy is doing well.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

July 2007: A word about the young people who are wearing the uniform

A post from July 2007:

In past blogs, I have written about the courage, commitment and sacrifice of US troops. For a long time, US troops have freed more people than any author, writer, poet, singer, "Hollywoodie", journalist, college professor or pacifist.

From France '44 to Iraq, US troops have liberated more people than any other military force in history.

Bottom line: US troops are liberators!

I see this in my neighborhood. I know two young men who went into the military because they wanted to serve their country. They had other options but they chose to serve their country during war. Our own #3 son is considering a military career.

Let's salute the troops!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

July 2007: The majority that can't do anything!

A post from July 2007:

Have you ever seen anything like this? The Democrats won the mid-term elections and declared a mandate to change everything.

Today, they are facing a huge backlash from the country.

Why? Because they have not done anything.

Back in '95, the new Republican majority passed a bunch of new laws and made a difference. The current Dems have not done that!

Divided government is actually good. It forces compromise. It usually results in better government.

In this case, divided government has not worked. My guess is that the Democrats have another 6 months to change the public perception. Otherwise, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will be electoral liabilities to the party's nominee in 2008!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

July 2007: Soccer gives the Iraqis something to smile about

A post from July 2007:

During Saddam's reign, Iraq was a police state. There were mass graves, unspeakable repression and unbelievable brutality.

Since Saddam fell, Iraqis have voted three times and put up with daily terrorist attacks.

Yesterday, Iraqi had a chance to smile and cheer for something. The soccer team won and everyone was thrilled.

Iraq has so much potential. It has oil and a wonderful people. Let's hope that this is the beginning of something new.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

July 2007: What's going on at NASA?

A post from July 2007:

For years, many of us admired NASA for its astronauts and incredible achievements. Unfortunately, NASA has been hit by some very bad news, from a woman chasing another woman to drinking on the job.

Of course, it represents a few people. Most NASA employees are first rate professionals. Sadly, they have given NASA a black eye!

Clean up the bad apples and reach for the stars!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

July 2007: Could it be that we are actually winning?

As usual, I checked the Internet early this morning for some overnight stories. I was very happy to read A War We Just Might Win By MICHAEL E. O’HANLON and KENNETH M. POLLACK:
"Here is the most important thing Americans need to understand: We are finally getting somewhere in Iraq, at least in military terms.

As two analysts who have harshly criticized the Bush administration’s miserable handling of Iraq, we were surprised by the gains we saw and the potential to produce not necessarily “victory” but a sustainable stability that both we and the Iraqis could live with."
Not bad. Could it be that we are winning and so many Democrats can't stand it?

In the end, O'Hallon and Pollack urge Congress to keep it going until 2008.

Put me down as one of those who thinks that we've turned the corner in Iraq. It won't be easy sailing but we are navigating down the right path.

At the end of the day, good news is good for the US and Middle East stability. Unfortunately, good news is bad news for the party of Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan!

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

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