"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - President Ronald Reagan
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Mayorkas condemns Texas law to arrest illegals -- in Guatemala
Mayorkas condemns Texas law to arrest illegals -- in Guatemala - American Thinker https://t.co/uomUlXyKMO
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) March 31, 2024
Happy # 89 Shirley Jones

We say happy birthday to Shirley Jones who was born in Pennsylvania on this day in 1934.
She appeared in lots of films, from "Oklahoma" to "The music man". I guess that most of us remember her as the mom in "The Partridge Family".
Happy # 89 Herb Alpert

In the early 1960's, Herb Alpert hit the charts with The Tijuana Brass. His career included number one hits & many albums that charted on Billboard. They also won 8 Grammy's and sold 70 million albums around the world.
Alpert is also the only artist to hit # 1 with an instrumental "Rise" in 1979 and as a vocalist with “This guy's in love with you" in 1968.
Not bad for a guy whose first hit was "The lonely bull"!
Have a nice Easter Sunday

Saturday, March 30, 2024
Memories of "Semana Santa" in Cuba
A podcast from 2013: Memories of "Semana Santa" in Cuba with Carmencita Romanach, ex-President, Operation Pedro Pan Group, Inc. & Carmen Valdivia, Member of Board of Directors, & Historic Committee with host Silvio Canto Jr https://t.co/WoDollZzNh
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) March 30, 2024
Thursday's podcast: Guest: Allan Wall, blogger.....We will discuss President Lopez-Obrador's comments.....and other stories........
Thursday's podcast:
Guest: Allan Wall, blogger.....We will discuss President Lopez-Obrador's comments.....and other stories...
Wednesday's podcast: NBC blues, Cruz 2024 and other stories....
Tuesday's podcast: A chat with Frank Burke, author and businessman
Monday's podcast: The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda
Help me Ronna
Help me Ronna - American Thinker https://t.co/Cu8GROiwqd
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) March 30, 2024
Happy # 79 Eric Clapton

Eric Clapton is one of the best "rock guitarists" ever! He was born on this day in 1945.
Clapton's career goes back to The Yardbirds, Cream, and his own solo work.
My favorite Clapton guitar performance is "White Room" recorded by Cream, i.e. Clapton, Ginger Baker & Jack Bruce. According to Songfacts, Eric Clapton used a Wah-Wah pedal on his guitar. It was great.
Friday, March 29, 2024
Béisbol on Good Friday?
Béisbol on Good Friday? - American Thinker https://t.co/lFI7K8cCcR
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) March 29, 2024
Good Friday to all of my friends

Thursday, March 28, 2024
Thursday's video: A chat with Allan Wall, blogger about Mexico
Cruz doing well
Cruz doing well - American Thinker https://t.co/l5xRyHfMGQ
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) March 28, 2024
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Wednesday's video: NBC blues, Cruz 2024 and other stories....
So long, Baltimore Colts
P.S. You can listen to my show. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.So long, Baltimore Colts - American Thinker https://t.co/Pn18b0lsoP
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) March 27, 2024
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Our Rashida Tlaib foreign policy
Our Rashida Tlaib foreign policy - American Thinker https://t.co/nnzRLN4IxR
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) March 26, 2024
There he’s said it again
There he’s said it again - American Thinker https://t.co/JxuGnNg6lZ
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) March 26, 2024
Happy # 80 Diana Ross
We remember Diana Ross who was born in Detroit on this day in 1944.
Question: Is that possible? I guess that time really does fly by!
We have followed Diana Ross from The Supremes to her solo career.
The Supremes had a bunch of # 1 singles. In the late 1960's, they were one of the most consistent hit makers along with The Beatles. In the 1970's, Diana went solo and the hits kept on coming.
She is a great performer and artist!
Memories of "Semana Santa" in Cuba

Do any of you remember "Semana Santa" in Cuba?
As I recall, it was a very solemn week, from Monday to Easter Sunday. I recall that Good Friday ("Viernes Santo") was a very quiet day with lots of time for mediation and prayer.
Click here for our 2013 show with Carmencita Romanach, President, Operation Pedro Pan Group, Inc. & Carmen Valdivia, Member of Board of Directors, & Historic Committee Chair.
Monday, March 25, 2024
Monday's video: Trump case update, UN resolution, Lopez-Obrador's comments
It's the preachy women, stupid
It's the preachy women, stupid - American Thinker https://t.co/qOAfpqYjUg
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) March 25, 2024
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Sundays podcast: A chat with Dave Michaels about the 2024 Rangers
Sunday's video: A chat with Dave Michaels about the 2024 Rangers
Maher wants Dems to change the play
Maher wants Dems to change the play - American Thinker https://t.co/AqIFfXzKBd
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) March 24, 2024
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Saturday's podcast: A VP for Trump and attacking Texas on the border, Patrick Henry 1775 and more
A VP for Trump and attacking Texas on the border, Patrick Henry 1775 and more...
Friday's podcast: A chat with Alicia Colon, New York columnist
A chat with Alicia Colon, Alicia Colon, a native New Yorker born in Spanish Harlem. She has written over the years on current events....
Tuesday's podcast: Texas border case, New York vs Trump, Schumer-Israel, Mexico elections & more
Tuesday's podcast:
Texas border case, New York vs Trump, Schumer-Israel, Mexico elections & more....
Monday's podcast: The Texas primary and other stories with George Rodriguez
1994: They're still talking about who shot Colosio in Mexico
Who shot Luis? - American Thinker https://t.co/95j7Jja7J6
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) March 23, 2024
We remember Lee May (1943-2017)

We remember Lee May who was born in Alabama on this day in 1943. He died in 2017.
May was a quiet power hitter of the 1970s. Overall, Lee hit 354 HR with 1,244 RBI and a .267 batting average.
He started with the Reds and hit behind Johnny Bench in that power lineup: 111 HR & 302 RBI over a 3-year stretch!
Then he went to Baltimore and hit behind Ken Singleton: 387 RBI over 4 years.
He played for the Reds in the 1970 World Series and for the Orioles in 1979.
Lee May played with lots of class. He let the bat do the talking and it did a lot of that!
We remember Joan Crawford (1905-77)

We remember Joan Crawford. She was born Lucille Fay LeSueur in San Antonio, Texas, on this day in 1905.
We loved her movies like "Mildred Pierce" (1945), "Possessed" (1947), "Sudden Fear" (1952) and "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?" with Bette Davis (1962).
She died in 1977.
1775: Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give me death" speech
We remember another anniversary of Patrick Henry's speech:
"I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"It became a rallying cry for the colonists.
A year later, they met to sign The Declaration of Independence.
We remember George "Boomer" Scott (1944-2013)
In 1972, George Scott was traded to Milwaukee and he became the team's first big star. He hit long home runs. I recall seeing him hit a line drive to the left field seats that left park in a second.
My first memory is that he was fun to watch. He hit "taters" and play great defense at first base. He was a big man but he could move around first base.
My second memory is running into Scott in Mexico City in 1981. He was out of major league baseball and playing for the Mexican League.
I was waiting for a light change and crossing a street. I noticed this man next to me and said: "Are you George Scott"?
He said yes and we shared a few Brewers' stories. He was a really nice guy and invited me to go to watch a game.
Unfortunately, I did not make the game and Scott was out of baseball soon after that.
Thanks for those "taters"! He hit 271 of them when hitting 25 Hrs in a season was having a pretty good season!
Friday, March 22, 2024
Friday's video: A chat with Alicia Colon about the situation in New York
And then they voted Democrat in November
And then they voted Democrat in November - American Thinker https://t.co/sUOD5vVx3V
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) March 22, 2024
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Thursday's video: Biden and student debt, March madness, JR Ewing 1980 & more
They love the 2nd now
They love the 2nd now - American Thinker https://t.co/pcki10mDGU
— Silvio Canto. Jr. (@silvio_canto) March 21, 2024

WORLD WAR ONE part 6.....Listen in now at http://t.co/zFBLUonfxd. #BlogTalkRadio
— Silvio Canto, Jr. (@SCantojr) September 12, 2014