Sunday, December 31, 1972

We remember Roberto Clemente (1934-72)

Roberto Clemente was killed in a plane crash many years ago:
"On December 31, 1972, an airplane chartered by the professional baseball player Roberto Clemente to bring food and other relief supplies to survivors of a recent earthquake in Nicaragua crashes shortly after takeoff from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Five people were killed in the crash, including Clemente, whose body was never recovered."
Like most of you, I was shocked to hear the news.       

Clemente hit .317 and got # 3,000 on his last at-bat of the 1972 season.   He was the MVP of the 1971 World Series and hit .318 in the postseason.

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Tuesday, December 26, 1972

1972: President Harry Truman died in Missouri

We remember that Pres Truman died on this day in 1972.  He was the 33rd president of the US and one of the most consequential figures of the 20th century.

VP Harry Truman became president when President Roosevelt died in April 1945.  As President, he faced some huge challenges in Europe and Japan, such as dropping two atomic bombs in Japan.  It was a tough decision but it ended the war.

President Truman was elected on his own in 1948 but his second term was very tough, from economic problems to the war in Korea.  As a consequence, he left the presidency with very low approval ratings and was succeeded by the very popular President Eisenhower.

Today, we think of President Truman as a decisive and strong president.  His legacy gets stronger and stronger with time.  He made decisions and that was his greatest asset.

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Monday, December 25, 1972

"Mary had a baby" by Mary Hopkin........

Mary Hopkin was 18 years old when she recorded "Those were the days"!

It was one of the biggest hits in pop music history.

She has a beautiful voice and recorded many songs many Christmases ago!

Here is "Mary had a baby":

 P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

"Virgin Mary had a little baby
Oh, Glory Hallelujah
Oh Pretty little baby
Glory be to the newborn king
what will you name that pretty little baby

Oh, Glory Hallelujah
Oh pretty little baby

Glory be to the newborn king
some call him David

Think I'll call him Jesus

Oh Glory Hallelujah’

Oh Think I’ll call him Jesus

Glory to the newborn king

Some call him Jesus

Think I’ll call him Savior

Oh Glory Hallelujah’

Oh Think we’ll call him Savior

Glory be to the newborn King

My name is Mary

and I’m going to have a baby

Oh Glory Hallelujah

Jesus save my little baby

From a life of suffering"


 Guest:  Frank Burke, author, businessman and contributor to American Thinker......we will look back at our Christmas Christmas too commercial?   wasn't Christmas declared a federal Frank's annual a few other stories..........


Sunday, December 10, 1972

We remember Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

We used to read her poetry in school.      Emily Dickinson was born on this day years ago in Amherst, Massachusetts.  She wrote 1775 poems but only 7 were published in her lifetime.

One of my English teachers loved her work and would give us a full share of her poetry to read.    Glad that she did!

  P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

December 10, 1898: The Treaty of Paris

We remember today The Treaty of Paris signed in 1898.    It concluded the short Spanish American War of the same year.
The Spanish Empire came to an end: Puerto Rico and Guam were lost, the Philippines Islands were bought for $20 million, and Cuba became a US protectorate until independence in 1902.
 P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos. If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.