As President Trump tweets about partial birth abortion, I hope that the GOP understands that Governor Cuomo, and those Democrats cheering, have given them an issue for 2020.
According to Pew, Hispanics are deeply divided on abortion:
49% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 44% say it should be illegal.
As my late father used to say, that’s “mucho hispanos” or, loosely translated, to lots of Hispanics.
As a Catholic, I know, and have participated, in “rosaries” of people praying for the end of abortion. Every Catholic church I know of sends people to the March of Life every year.
Yet, many of these Hispanics voted for Beto O’Rourke. Somehow, it did not occur to the Cruz campaign to run radio ads in Spanish radio reminding them that “Beto es aborto” or Beto is abortion.
My advice to the Trump 2020 people is to drop the niceties and go bold in Spanish-speaking communities.
It could go like this: “I create jobs, he (or she) supports the abortion of babies”.
It’s rough but someone has to hit Hispanics between the eyes and remind them that the party they support does not value life or marriage between a man and a woman.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
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