Tuesday, January 01, 2019

2018 was a rough year for the men and women in blue

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Every police officer and family knows that policemen have chosen a risky profession.  They understand that an encounter with a bad guy could kill them or their colleagues.
We’ve seen a couple of unfortunate developments recently.
First, the police are not getting the support they need from local governments.  Can you say Baltimore, for example? 
Second, let’s hope 2019 is better than the 148 we lost in 2018.
I like what I read in this editorial from The Boston Herald:
Culturally, we are disparaging law enforcement loudly in too many corners.  Prominent politicians have called for the abolishment of ICE and others have labeled the entire criminal justice system as “racist.”
Thursday, a Philadelphia judge ruled that convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal could re-argue an appeal before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court due to a technicality.  Abu-Jamal, 64, a former Black Panther, is serving a life sentence for the Dec. 9, 1981, shooting death of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner, 25, by shooting him point-blank in the forehead as he lay unarmed and wounded on the sidewalk.
Cop killers belong in jail.  Criminals who assault police officers should face heavy sentences and our elected politicians need to stop demeaning law enforcement at once.  There is a nefarious pattern developing in our culture that is undoubtedly empowering a dangerous element to attempt to hurt or kill police officers.
The police are there when we need them, we need to be there now that they need us.  Hopefully a year from now we can look back at the progress that was made.
Well.  I’d like to see fewer deaths, too.  It starts with a political class, protected by the police, that undermines their authority with speeches and statements that exaggerate police brutality rather than talk about the structural problems in these communities, such as the absence of fathers.
Add to this the glorification of an NFL quarterback who wore socks that mocked police officers, visually calling them pigs.
We need to do better, or we will run out of good people who want to protect us.
PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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