Monday, September 03, 2018

October 2009: What's wrong with this cross?

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A post from October 2009:

Like many of you, I have been following the appalling attempt to remove a cross in California.

"The Mojave Desert Veterans Memorial, a seven-foot metal cross, was erected in 1934 by World War I veterans to honor their fallen brethren."
Today, the cross is the latest target of the ACLU.

I guess that the ACLU fears that a cross honoring dead soldiers is a threat to our Constitution, or something like that.

Thankfully, Mr. Cruz and Mr. Shackelford are fighting to keep the cross, and other religious symbols, in our public landscape.

This is what they wrote:
"The theory being advanced by the ACLU is that no religious symbol can be allowed on public land.

That is a radical notion that is contrary to the text of the Constitution, to the original understanding of the Framers, and to how the Supreme Court has long interpreted the First Amendment's prohibition on the establishment of a religion.

The Constitution prohibits government from favoring one religion over another, but it does not compel hostility to faith."
We want the cross to stay.

We live in a country founded on Judeo-Christian traditions.

We want to keep it that way!

At the very least, let's remember that this cross was erected to respect the veterans and their sacrifice.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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