In the interest of full disclosure, let me add that I’ve favored some form of legalization for the so called “dreamers”.
It’s hard to punish a 20-year-old because his parents brought him illegally when he was 3. I can cite examples of youngsters in Texas that I’ve spoken to.
At the same time, President Obama’s governing by executive pen was wrong and rather cynical for a couple of reasons:
First, President Obama knew that his “pen” would eventually be broken by a court decision; and,
Second, President Obama had to know that he’d be leaving a bunch of “dreamers” stranded whenever his order was reversed.
Obama’s DACA was the political equivalent of giving someone a check and knowing that there are no funds in the bank to cover it. Super cynical, to say the least. The executive order was President Obama reacting to the 2014 mid-term elections and hoping to energize Hispanics behind a Clinton candidacy. It was about as cynical a presidential election as I can recall.
We hear that President Trump is going to tackle DACA and allow some of the people to say on the plan until their term expires.
We hear something even better. We understand that Congress will pick up the ball and maybe draft a new law that legalizes some of these people.
This is from McClatchy:
Conservative lawmakers led by Thom Tillis are crafting a bill they call the conservative Dream Act that would provide a path to permanent residency to people brought here illegally as children, offering President Donald Trump an escape hatch on one of his most vexing immigration challenges.The legislation creates an avenue for Trump to both fulfill a campaign promise to end an Obama-era program known as DACA while yielding to what appears to be his personal desire to let these immigrants remain in the country.“Who cares about DACA if there’s a Dream Act,” said a Republican involved with the policy negotiations and aware of Tillis’ plan.
Frankly, the GOP should jump at the opportunity to legalize some of these youngsters. It would allow then to stay here and continue their education or even serve in the military.
Also, it would break the back of the Democrats’ worst demagoguery: that the GOP is anti-Hispanic or anti-immigrant.
Some on our side will immediately play the “amnesty” card. However, this is not amnesty, especially if you can attach some conditions to the legalization such as school work, no criminal record, or military service.
I see it as a great opportunity for the GOP to govern and solve a very complicated problem. I also see it as a way of breaking the hold that Democrats have on the Mexican American vote.
P.S. You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.
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