Friday, October 21, 2011

President "Si se puede" and lots of disillusioned Hispanics who fell for the guy who told them what they wanted to hear!

How is "hope and change", "si se puede" and all of that "coqueteo" working for 'Hispanos"?

Pres BO's economic policies have made our economic crisis a lot worse and translated into more minority unemployment.  

In other words, the Obama recession has been a disaster for blacks and Hispanics, or exactly the voters who created the perfect "electoral storm' that elected "hope and change".

We warned "Hispanics" that candidate BO was just telling them what they wanted to hear.....! 

Let's hope that Hispanics are more realistic the next time around.  

In 2008, Hispanics fell in love with a man with "zero" track record on immigration or border issues.

At the same time, Hispanics rejected Sen McCain, a man who actually risked political capital to pass an immigration reform in 2007.

Remember what your mother told you?  Be careful with the guy who is telling you what you want to hear.....he is probably lying to you!

BO lied to Hispanics in 2008 and there are lots of disenchanted Hispanics trying to recover from the deception.

Here is my solution:  "Hispanos" need to be more skeptical the net time that "a sweet talking guy" comes around telling people what they wanted to hear!

According to The Miami Herald, Pres BO is losing Hispanic support.  He is under 50% and the economy has a lot to do with it!

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

Tags: Immigration, deportations and Pres Obama To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

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