Monday, September 09, 2024

Bang, bang, Nate's Silver hammer came down upon her head

Bang, bang, Nate's Silver hammer came down upon her head: It seems that Nate Silver is causing a little indigestion on the other side. Silver is.. 

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It seems that Nate Silver is causing a little indigestion on the other side. Silver is “the numbers guy,” as someone called him, the founder of FiveThirtyEight and former pollster for the New York Times and ABC News. Well, Nate Silver is saying that President Trump is ahead. 
Let’s check it out:

Silver’s forecast model gives Trump a 60.1 percent chance of winning the Electoral College, compared to Vice President Kamala Harris’ 39.7 percent, with the former president taking 277 electoral votes to the vice president’s 260. The latest prediction gives Trump his highest chance of winning since July 30.

Who knows if Silver is right. Often his conclusions appear contradictory. For example, he is saying that Trump is favored but losing in the Electoral College. I have no idea how that happens. Maybe he is seeing something that we can’t see in that tsunami of polls released every five minutes.

According to the article, Harris’ campaign is starting to “unravel.” He adds that VP Harris did not get much of a bounce from the convention.

Don’t buy your plane tickets for Trump’s inauguration yet. At the same time, it does look more and more that Harris has topped. In other words, this is as high as she is going.

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