Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Gruden Clark Kent next?

 (My new American Thinker post)

How far do we go?  I guess that we go back as long as it takes to bring down whomever we want to bring down.

According to the latest from "the cancel culture," Jon Gruden wrote some mean things about ten years ago.  This is the story:

Gruden, who was in the fourth year of a 10-year, $100 million contract, released a statement following the decision to resign.

"I have resigned as Head Coach of the Las Vegas Raiders," Gruden said. "I love the Raiders and do not want to be a distraction. Thank you to all the players, coaches, staff, and fans of Raider Nation. I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt anyone."

Okay.  He did write some awful things.  At the same time, I never heard of a black player complaining about the coach.  On the contrary, he was a good coach and won championships.

Wouldn't it make more sense to resolve these "10 year old emails" by apologizing and moving on?  Yes, an apology should have been the ending of this episode.

Who is next?  Who is holding some emails out there and planning to drop them on Twitter?

It makes me wonder if Clark Kent, the fabled journalist at the Daily Planet, is next on the cancel list.

Why Clark?  Well, it turns out that DC Comics has now confirmed that the son of Superman is gay.  Yes, our favorite Man of Steel, faster than a speeding bullet, had a baby with the pretty Lois Lane.

And Superboy grew up to be gay.  Can these people be more predictable?  The new Superman 2021 falls in love with a male reporter.  Wonder if his name is Don Lemon?

So is someone going back to the original series to find out what "homophobic" comments were featured on the show?  Maybe there's a dialogue somewhere about Superman wishing for Superboy to grow up and be just like Dad!

I'm sure that they will find some line from the comics or the TV series to prove that the show should be canceled.  After all, how can a white male who thinks Lois Lane has a nice figure survive in this crazy culture?

In the meantime, our cities are torn by crime, our border is overwhelmed, and China is talking Taiwan.

For sure, the new Superman 2021 will talk about systematic racism when he is flying "loverboy" around the clouds.

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