Tuesday, November 19, 2024

A word about Jeanne Kirpatrick (1927-2006)

In 1981, President Reagan appointed Jeanne Kirkpatrick as US ambassador to the UN. She went there and changed the job forever. What a great choice.

Mrs. Kirkpatrick was born on this day in 1926 and passed away in December 2006.  
What a neat and wonderful spokeswoman for President Reagan's foreign policy she was, as we see in this obituary 
Kirkpatrick was known as a blunt and sometimes acerbic advocate for her causes. She remained involved in public issues even though she'd left government service two decades ago. She joined seven other former U.N. ambassadors in 2005 in writing a letter to Congress telling lawmakers that their plan to withhold dues to force reform at the world body was misguided and would "create resentment, build animosity and actually strengthen opponents of reform."
We love you, Mrs. Kirkpatrick!


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