A post from March 2007:
You won't read this one in the international press. Don't expect any demonstrations calling on Hollywood to dump Gore and replace him with Bush.
Yet, the truth speaks for itself. George and Laura have a more "eco-friendly" house than Al and Tipper.
Check out this update by Randy Hall:
"George Bush may be a nemesis of the global green movement and Al Gore its hero, but the president's home is arguably far more environmentally-friendly than the home of the man he defeated in the 2000 election.Will the left praise George W. Bush? The answer is no. Why? Because the left is not interested in ecology. This is about capitalism. This is about the left's cynical use of "global warming" to promote an anti-capitalism agenda.
Bush's "Western White House" in Crawford, Texas, has been praised as "an eco-friendly haven" while the former vice-president's home in Nashville, Tennessee was criticized this week for heavy power consumption."
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