Thursday, November 09, 2017

The world and the US voters

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Do you get the feelings that most Americans feel unappreciated?   

I am not suggesting that Americans want roses every Friday. 

I think an occasional "thank you" would do! 

The world owes the US, its military and taxpayers lots of "thank you's" rather than all of the cheap shots that we've been hearing lately!

It starts at the United Nations, an organization that is subsidized by US taxpayers but spends its time calling us "stingy" or issuing resolutions attacking Israel. 

In fact, the US has been a very responsible power. The US has freed more people than all of its critics. 

Again, where would the world be without the US foreign policy? 

All of this reminds me of an article that I saw back in 2005 by Professor Victor Davis Hanson:    
But what is new is that the disenchanted American is becoming savvy and developing a long memory–and so we all fear the day is coming when he casts aside the badge, rides the buckboard out of town, and leaves such sanctimonious folk to themselves.
My guess is that day is here.

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