Friday, March 01, 2019

The ‘what’s my line’ primary

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As you may know, Senator Kamala Harris is running for president and dashing to the left fast.   
Reality may be catching up with the lady senator, as we see in this report:    
When Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) came out on Tuesday in favor of decriminalizing prostitution, she failed to mention that she had opposed it her entire career.
Harris most publicly opposed the idea of decriminalizing the oldest profession in 2008, when she called a proposal to do so in San Francisco “completely ridiculous” and argued it “would put a welcome mat out for pimps and prostitutes.” She rejected the notion that prostitution was a “victimless crime,” the New York Times reported, and said it “compromises the quality of life in a community.”
But in her Tuesday interview with The Root, she said she supports decriminalizing prostitution and explicitly said it was because it is often victimless.
Well, I am not sure about the victimless part.  It may be true that a high-rent call girl is a willing participant.  However, I am not sure that a lot of young women engaging in prostitution are truly willing. 
Nevertheless, the issue here is Senator Harris.  She appears to be afraid of having once enforced California law.  She seems to be saying “never mind” that I once put people in jail for violating the law.
The whole story speaks volumes about what is happening in the Democratic Party.  They are so indebted to the left that they have to recreate themselves to win the nomination.  We can call it the “What’s my line” primary!
I can’t wait for Senator Harris to defend these reversals in an upcoming debate with VP Mike Pence.
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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