Tuesday, October 15, 2024

How can you mend a Biden heart?

How can you mend a Biden heart?: Not sure if the Bidens are singing that Bee Gees tune about a broken heart but Jill is probably not saying anything nice about Kamala when she is taking a bath. There is nothing like an angry woman and a bathtub. The Biden-Harris feud is...
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Not sure if the Bidens are singing that Bee Gees tune about a broken heart but Jill is probably not saying anything nice about Kamala when she is taking a bath. There is nothing like an angry woman and a bathtub.

The Biden-Harris feud is real. It goes back to 2020 when Senator Harris accused him of being a racist in the story about the little girl on the bus.

According to news reports, it's getting hot and we are not talking about climate change. This is the story: 

An Axios report alleged Sunday that there is growing tension and miscommunication between the White House and the Harris campaign.

National political correspondent Alex Thompson reported "many senior Biden aides remain wounded by the president being pushed out of his re-election bid and are still adjusting to being in a supporting role on the campaign trail."

"They're too much in their feelings," one Harris ally reportedly told Axios about the White House.

Thompson wrote the main issue with some Harris campaign members is that White House aides "aren't sufficiently coordinating Biden's messaging and schedule to align with what's best for the vice president's campaign."

Yeah -- those broken hearts are tough to mend.

Honestly, I see two real problems behind this feud.

President Biden is right. She cheated on him by defending his mental acuity on the night of the Trump-Biden debate and then stabbing Joe as soon as the opportunity presented itself. Ambitious Kam was too much for Joe.

The second reason is that she is not ready for the presidency. Honestly, she may win because some people hate Trump that much. It could happen, but I have a funny feeling that Trump will win because she’s so incompetent.

So this feud will keep on feuding. And Joe and Jill will leave with a broken heart and a desire to take Kam & Tim down with them.

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