Monday, August 19, 2013

A very weak Obama: Bracketed by Harper to the north & Pena-Nieto to the south

(My new American Thinker post)

Who would have ever believed this?  We have a very unusual situation where the president of the US is the weak party in the North American political landscape.    

We mentioned President Pena-Nieto of Mexico a few days ago.  He is not perfect but is pushing "market-oriented" reforms in the energy and public education sectors. President Pena-Nieto is coming to terms with the reality that Mexico can not prosper unless it blows up the PEMEX monopoly and makes the public schools better.   

Prime Minister Harper has made Canada a very attractive place to invest and do business.  He has also been an outspoken defender of freedom and a supporter of the US in Afghanistan.   

Where is President Obama in this trio?  He is the one giving speeches rather governing.   

He won't take political risks like President Pena-Nieto.   

He won't promote business, an oil pipeline and reduce taxes like PM Harper.  

I'm sure that PM Harper & President Pena-Nieto have their local critics and we are not suggesting that they are perfect.  

I am simply saying that they are making decisions and governing - a rather refreshing conrast to meaningless "hope and change" or speeches before "yes we can" screamers who are programmed to clap after every 5th line. 

The president of the US used to be the leader of the free world.  He is now a bystander, watching rather than leading.  He gives speeches rather than governs.  He promotes "class envy" and plays "the race card" to generate minority turnout in the next election.   

Can we make a trade? Can we send President Obama to Mexico or Canada?  

Can we put President Obama on waivers and hope that someone will pick him up?

Tags: Preswident Obama, President Pena-Nieto of Mexico, PM Harper of Canada  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

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