Saturday, July 06, 2019

Why didn’t we do this before?

Image result for trump july 4 parade images
On July 4th, we celebrated with friends at a lake house in North Texas.  It turned out to be a great idea, specially when it was time to watch the fireworks.
Around 5 p.m., we started to watch President Trump and the parade.  It pleased everyone present at the gathering.
It was great for a couple of reasons:
1) The Democrats cannot control themselves.  They overreact and their predictions don’t come true, such as these comments via Lukas Mikelionis:  
Trump’s fervent critics, meanwhile, resorted to erecting a “Trump baby” balloon to protest what activists saw as his intrusion in Independence Day and a focus on military might that they associate with martial regimes.    
“We think that he is making this about himself and it’s really a campaign rally,” said Medea Benjamin, Code Pink’s co-director. “We think that he’s a big baby …  He’s erratic, he’s prone to tantrums, he doesn’t understand the consequences of his actions. And so this is a great symbol of how we feel about our president.”
How silly does Medea look the day after? (Particulalry after balloon failed to fly.)
It was not a campaign rally, unless you think that remembering past heroes and historic moments is now suddenly a Republican political ad.
2) The people loved it.  My friends at the party saw it as a celebration of U.S. symbols and military; and,
3) President Trump did not make it about himself.  He restrained himself and spoke a patriotic message.
Once again, President Trump makes a trap and the crazy left falls right in.  They hate Trump so much that they can’t think straight.
None of the dire predictions came true.  The parade was great!
P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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