Monday, April 16, 2012

Romney is right about Pres BO & the 2nd amendment

""We need a President who will stand up for the rights of hunters, sportsmen, and those who seek to protect their home and family," Romney said. "President Obama has not; I will."
Absent the pretense of being a hunter, Romney argued Friday that he, unlike the president, will not support new gun laws and will protect Second Amendment rights in America."

For years, the left in the US has been blaming guns rather than criminals.  They blame guns rather than the irresponsible human behavior behind most of the crime in the US.

Secondly, "gun laws" won't be respected by criminals anyway.  If you outlaw guns then you will create a deadlier black market for guns that will make the Mexican cartels look like amateurs.

Romney is right.  This is not an administration concerned with your 2nd amendment rights.  

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