Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ann Romney for First Lady (and her husband for president)

A few days ago, Sen Santorum dropped out and opened the door for Gov Romney to take the stage.  

However, it's Ann Romney who has taken over the spotlight and turned into a great symbol of motherhood & "stay at home moms".    

Hillary Rosen did not realize it but she has awaken a sleeping giant, the "mama bear" that will roar very loudly in November.    Don't mess with an angry "mama bear".  (Sarah Palin is right about this)  

We've said before that Ann is Mitt's secret weapon.  

She "humanizes" Mitt.  He is the cool businessman who does not have Pres BO's "tell everyone what they want to hear" skills.   

She puts a happy face on Mitt by reminding everyone that he is a great husband, father and the man she fell in love with 50 years ago.  She speaks of their 5 sons.  She holds all of those grandchildren at the campaign stops.

Ann is great.  We just didn't realize how big of a weapon she really is!  

Ann has become a heroine for all of those women, and men, who are sick and tired of seeing how the left despises motherhood, traditional marriage and life. 

James Taranto nailed it:

"In truth, anti-momism was the very heart of "The Feminine Mystique." Friedan's argument was that motherhood and homemaking were soul-deadening occupations and that pursuing a professional career was the way for a woman to "become complete." She agreed with the midcentury misogynists that a stay-at-home mother was, in Friedan's words, "castrative to her husband and sons." "

Barry Casselman, a big friend of our show, nailed it too:

"Years from now, when various campaign blunders in U.S. history will be
discussed by political scientists and historians, the attack on Ann Romney and "the war on women" strategy, I suspect, will be cited as one of the classic and most egregious miscalculations of them all."

Right on!

Last, but not least, Ann is probably also very happy with the last two polls that show Mitt Romney leading Pres BO 48-44 (among likely voters) and 46-44 (registered voters).

It looks more and more that Ann will be our next First Lady, and she will be very good one too.

We spoke about this, and other issues, with Dr Ileana Johnson-Paugh:

Listen to internet radio with Silvio Canto Jr on Blog Talk Radio

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