Saturday, June 29, 2024

The other Perón woman that history forgot

We all know the story of Eva (Evita) Perón, perhaps the most influential woman in modern Argentina. They made a Broadway play and movie about her! By the way, the movie did not misrepresent her beauty and class. She made a point to be super elegant because Evita knew that Latin women like their First Ladies to look that way. Sexist? No at all. I know my culture.

A few years ago, President Trump visited Argentina and then President Mauricio Macri. The Argentina media went crazy with Melania's look. In the end, Melania Trump and the other First Lady, Juliana Macri, stole the show with their fashions. It was a duel of First Ladies that Latin women could not get enough of!

We remember Isabel Perón, who became president of Argentina in June 1974 and overthrown in March 1976. 

The common denominator with the women was Juan Perón, husband and president. Isabel Perón was VP and assumed the presidency when President Perón died. Isabel was 36 years younger than Juan Perón. There was also a big age difference between Evita and Juan Perón.

Mrs. Perón's presidency was very difficult.  She was not able to form coalitions and the country's economy went from bad to worse. Frankly, I am not sure that any other person could have done any better. Argentina's economic problems came home to roost in the mid-1970s and threw the country into years of turmoil.  Her husband left her a mess and she had no chance to survive it.

Perón was overthrown in March 1976 and eventually moved to Madrid. She turned 92 a few months ago and has stayed out of public view.  I can't remember the last time that Isabel was in the news.

Who was the first female president of Argentina?  The answer is Isabel, not Eva, Perón. Of course, no one made a play about Isabel and that may explain that history has largely forgotten her.

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