Sunday, June 16, 2019

The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda

The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda 06/16 by Silvio Canto Jr | Politics:

Guest: Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda.......Father's Day 2019....Iran and oil tankers......Marches in Hong Kong.....A petition to recall LA mayor over homeless problem......Democrats get ready for debates....A march to impeach Trump.....Senator Warren rising and Senator Harris falling....Oberlin College and the jury decision........and other stories......
click to listen:

Tags: The week in review with Bill Katz, the editor of Urgent Agenda To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Sunday's video: Beto and boys with girls

Tags: Beto and boys with girls To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Happy Father’s Day: The Boones of baseball

Happy Fathers' Day: "Color him father" by The Winstons

Image result for the winstons colour him father images
We take a moment today to salute all of the fathers, uncles and grandfathers on this very special day.

This is one of my favorite "father" songs by The Winstons:

"There's a man at my house, He's so big an' strong.
He goes to work each day, An' he stays all day long.
He comes home each night, Lookin' tired an' beat.
He sits down at the dinner table, An' has a bite to eat.
Never a frown, always a smile. When he says to me, "How's my chil'?"
I say that, "I've been studying hard,
All day in school, Tryin' very hard to understand,
The golden rule."

Think I'll color this man father.(Color him father.)
I think I'll color him love. (Color him love.)
Said, I'm gonna color him father.(Color him father.)
I think I'll color the man love. Yes I will.
(Color him lo-hove.)

He says, "Education is the thing, If you want to compete.
Because without it son, Life ain't very sweet."
I love this man, An' I don't know why.
Except I'll need his strength, Till the day that I die.
My mother loves him an' I can tell.
By the way she looks at him, When he holds my little sister, Nell.
I heard her say just the other day, That if it hadn't 'av been for him,
She couldn't have found her way.

I Think I'll color him father. (Color him father.)
I'm gonna color him love. (Color him love.)
I've got to color him father. (Color him father.)
I think I'll color this man love. (Color him lo-hove.)

Our real old man, He got kille' in the war.
An' she knows she an' seven kids, Couldn't of got very far.
She said she thought that, She could never love again.
An' then there he stood, With that big, wide grin.
He married my mother, An' he took us in.
An' now we belong to the man,
With that big wide grin.

I got to color this man father. (Color him father.)
I'm gonna color him love. (Color him love.)
I've to color him father. (Color him father.)
I believe I'll color this man love. (Color him lo-hove.)

He's just been so good to me. (Color him father.)
I feel I've got to have to color him love. (Color him love.)
I'm gonna color him father. (Color him father.)
I've got to color this man love. (Color him loooove.)

He's just been so good.(Color him father.)
Yeah, I think I'll color him love. (Color him love.)
I'm goin' to color him father. (Color him father...)"

Tags: Happy Fathers' Day  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Judy Collins' "My father" is a great song

Judy Collins is one of my favorite folk singers. Her hits include "Both sides now", "Someday soon" and "Send in the clowns". I love her versions of "Amazing Grace" and "Turn turn turn".

My favorite song is "My father".

Later she said this about her father:
"I always sang when I was little and my father, who was a great influence on me, also had a wonderful voice.
He and my mother really encouraged me to sing and play the piano.
They were always very supportive."
Here is the song:

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