Friday, September 20, 2013

Why would a capitalist dress up like a bloody communist?

(My new American Thinker post)

Our friend Alberto de la Cruz has the pictures over at Babalu -"Billionaire Richard Branson dresses like mass murderer Che Guevara to sell cell phone service."  (Thanks to Marc Masferrer for starting this at his blog!)

On a scale of 1 to 10, let's make this a 9, or somewhere between a "Che" placard at the immigration marches or Jay-Z walking around Havana with a T-shirt.

Did anyone tell Mr Branson what Che thought of capitalism and specially capitalists?   (Get Mr Branson a copy of Humberto Fontova's book and read about the real "Che".)

In other words, this is a man who "supervised" the murder of hundreds of Cubans.

This is not the romantic figure created in Hollywood about a young man riding a motorcycle in South America.   He is not that "Jim Morrison-like-face" that shows up at every leftist rally in the world.

Che was a murderer and he really hated capitalists.

We ask again: Did any one in Mr Branson's marketing department do their homework before they came up with this rather insulting campaign to promote his business?

Mr Branson is actually rather fortunate that he did not own an airline in the Cuba that Che governed in the early 1960's.  Very lucky!

First, his private property would have been "nationalized" or stolen by the Castro regime.

Second, Branson would have been accused of exploiting employees. In Che's world, every employer exploits his workers!

Third, it's likely that Branson would have been connected to the CIA. Why not? Everybody else was accused of working for the CIA.

At the end of the day, Mr Branson would have ended in prison or executed. He may have been lucky enough to get out like so many others did.

We ask again: Why would a capitalist dress up like a bloody communist to promote his business?

The answer is ignorance, plain and simple ignorance.

Tags: Richard Branson and Che  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Didn't Alexis get the memo?

(My new American Thinker post)

Well, it did not take long for the "gun control" crowd to get their message machine going!  Their message is always simple:  We need more gun laws!

Starbucks, a place that I go to from time to time for coffee, just put out a message calling on customers to keep their guns home.

Like so many gun control enthusiasts, Starbucks does not understand a simple fact:  Law abiding citizens do not shoot innocent people when they are drinking coffee or doing something else.

The real problem is that crazy and deranged people do not follow the law or pay attention to memos from a well meaning Starbucks CEO's.     
Perhaps, someone will stand back and remember something about the Navy Yards, i.e.  a gun free zone:

"Alexis passed his background checks, then was issued credentials that allowed him to enter the Navy Yard, bypassing such armed security personnel as guarded the perimeter.    After that, he faced unarmed victims, deprived of the means to defend themselves. "

Once again, we will hear from the left that we need more gun control.  Unfortunately, all of these "gun free zones" do not allow Americans to protect themselves from people who go crazy.

P. S.  You can hear my chat with Barry Jacobsen here:

Tags: Navy yards shooting, Starbucks CEO  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

Even “El Pais” thinks that Branson was over the top!

(My new Babalu post)
I found this from "El Pais" in Spain to be rather interesting:
"Si el Che Guevara levantara la cabeza, probablemente volvería a morirse al ver que uno de los hombres más ricos del mundo, defensor del capitalismo a ultranza que lo ha llevado a la cima de las listas de los más millonarios, ha utilizado su mítica boina, su uniforme y sus gestos más característicos para promocionar la marca que más dinero le ha hecho ganar: Virgin."
It translates to something like this:  If Che raised his head, he'd be shocked to see a big time capitalist dressed up like him.
We can make fun of the picture but there is a serious side to all of this.
Thank God that Mr Branson was not the owner of an airliner in Cuba when the Castro brothers and Che came into power.
He would have been treated to a very bad case of repression and his business would have expropriated in the name of a corrupt revolution.
Branson is really stupid and lucky.
He is stupid for dressing like a communist to promote capitalism.
He is lucky that he never had to live under the leader that he is glorifying with this stupid rebel outfit.
What's next?  Is he "going Mao or Stalin" to promote Virgin's flights to Moscow or Peking?

Tags: Richard Branson, Che Guvera  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

What jobs in the jobs report?

(My new Babalu post)

We got more news that "the stimulus" is  not stimulating, "hope is hopeless", "change is misery" & "si se puede' is really "no se puede".    

This is the most recent tragic tale from the Obama recovery:

"The downside is that the gains have been largely in lower-paying industries such as waitresses, in-home health care, food preparation and housekeeping.   
About 60 percent of the increase in employment for women from 2009 to 2012 was in jobs that pay less than $10.10 an hour, compared with 20 percent for men, according to a study by the National Women’s Law Center using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics."
And these are the people who say that conservatives have a 'war on women"?
Wonder if  "Life of Julia" had a episode about "low paying jobs"?
A great recovery, specially if you are looking for low paying jobs!

Tags:  Jobs report  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

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