Friday, October 04, 2013

Did they tell young Hispanics that they will be paying a lot more to support ObamaCare?

(My new American Thinker post)

ObamaCare has a lot of problems:  
First, it does not apply equally to all because of "waivers" and special consideration for those able to negotiate them;  
Second, the benefits were presented in very general terms with no explanation of real costs or premiums; and 
Third, young people will pay to support the millions of adults who will join the program. Young Hispanics will be one of the groups expected to carry the load.   

My good friend Israel Ortega of The Heritage Foundation posted about this recently:    
"Among the many terrible side effects of Obamacare is its adverse effects on Hispanics.    This stems from the fact that the Hispanic population is one of the youngest.   in addition to Obamacare's impact on the wholesale and retail industry, which employs many Hispanic Americans.     Wholesale and retail will be hit specially hard by Obamacare, because, as one consultant noted, "employers not currently offering coverage to all employees working at least 30 hours a week may be more inclined to change their workforce strategy so that fewer employees meet that threshold."      
Young Hispanics will now start the signing up process. I just hope that they don't login anticipating "affordable health care".  They won't find it at ObamaCare.  

P.S, You can my chat with Horace Cooper of Project 21 here.

Tags:  Hispanics and ObamaCare  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

“Jovenes hispanos sin palanca” will pay very high ObamaCare premiums!

(My new Babalu post)

There are two problems with Obama Care.
The first one is that the law is full of waivers and exceptions.  Worse than that, these changes to the law were done by executive order rather than Congress.     This is a law that does not apply equally to all, unless you got "palanca" and received one of those waivers and exceptions.
It's all about "palanca" with the Obama administration.   Can you say Solyndra?
The second problem is that Obama Care is based on young people paying higher premiums.    This is going to be a huge burden for Hispanics, a younger segment of the population.   

My friend Israel Ortega, editor of and distinguished member of The Heritage Foundation, crunched a few numbers in his recent post:
"Here’s something you won’t hear from the Hispanic media, the mainstream media, or the White House: Among the many terrible side effects of Obamacare is its adverse effects on Hispanics.
This stems from the fact that the Hispanic population is one of the youngest, in addition to Obamacare’s impact on the wholesale and retail industry, which employs many Hispanic Americans.
Wholesale and retail will be hit especially hard by Obamacare, because, as one consultant noted, “employers not currently offering coverage to all employees working at least 30 hours a week may be more inclined to change their workforce strategy so that fewer employees meet that threshold.”
But don’t expect a press release on this hard truth, considering that the national unemployment rate for Hispanics is higher than the national average at almost 10 percent. Ignore the man behind the curtain who reminds you that retailers and hospitals are laying off workers and dropping coverage for part-time employees. Pay no attention to exemptions for labor unions and Members of Congress or the fact that a Senator from the President’s own party described Obamacare as a “train wreck.”What’s more, considering that 65 percent of Hispanics are millennials, they can expect to pay more to cover costs for wealthier Americans. Rates will likely increase by an average of 169 percent for the young, while older people will pay about 22 percent less, according to Generation Opportunity, a national organization committed to promoting liberty to young Americans."
There you have it!    Younger Hispanics will carry the burden of ObamaCare.  They will be required to sign up, pay the higher premiums and scream "si se puede" at the next "5 de Mayo" rally.
Wonder if they are going to scream "si se puede" when they hear about the premiums?
Some young Hispanos "tienen suerte" or they work for an employer who got a waiver   They will watch as the rest of their neighbors  come under ObamaCare.
Their neighbors will ask:  "Why doesn't ObamaCare apply to you"?
The answer is:  "Mi patron tiene palanca".
The young hispanics "que no tienen palanca" will call 1-800-318-2596.    I just hope that the "glitches" are not "glitching" anymore and that they don't check what those phone digits translate to!

Tags:  Obama Care and Hispanics  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

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