Monday, December 09, 2013

The world will not wait for the next guy, Mr. President

(My new American Thinker)

You can't criticize President Obama for spending a lot of time getting "Obama Care web site reports" or reading income inequality "speech drafts." The web site is a mess and "income inequality" speeches are intended to distract the disillusioned base that really wanted to close GITMO.

However, President Obama has 3 years to go and the world will not wait for the next guy.    

Look around:  There is a lot going on around the world, as David Ignatirus reminded us this weekend:   

How should the United States combat this threat?   
Sorry, no consensus on that.    
Al-Qaeda is even putting down roots in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, according to Gen. Mohammed Farid el-Tohamy, the head of the Egyptian intelligence service.  
How can the United States help Egypt, its most important ally in the Arab world, defeat Islamic terrorism at the same time as it moves to restore civilian government and a measure of democracy?  
No consensus on that one, either.   
And there's the huge foreign-policy challenge of Iran's nuclear program. President Obama has made a bold interim deal with Iran. But to complete the agreement, and ensure that Iran's nuclear program is truly peaceful, Obama will need strong support from Congress and the public. Right now, it's hard to imagine that he will get it. The public doesn't want war, but it doesn't seem to like entangling diplomacy much, either.""    
"Rep. Mike Rogers and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the chairs of the House and Senate intelligence committees, respectively, said last Sunday on CNN that the world is not safer today than a few years ago. They were referring to the resurgence of al-Qaeda in Syria, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere. These are not two-bit al-Qaeda franchises anymore; the State Department received an intelligence report recently that 5,500 foreign fighters are operating with al-Qaeda's affiliate, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.  

Add to this "table of contents" that China is pushing its weight around and that Venezuela could implode any day. 

It's a crazy world and I just hope that someone is "briefing" President Obama.    

P. S. You can hear CANTO TALK here & follow me on Twitter @ scantojr

Tags: Foreign policy and President Obama  To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the My View by Silvio Canto, Jr. Thanks!

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