Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Wednesday's podcast: Inflation is still around....China and fentanyl in Mexico...and other stories

Wednesday's podcast:    

Inflation is still around....China and fentanyl in Mexico...and other stories.....

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Wednesday's video: Inflation is still around....China and fentanyl in Mexico...and other stories

Wednesday's video:    
Inflation is still around....China and fentanyl in Mexico...and other stories.


AMLO confirms that fentanyl is coming from China

 (My new American Thinker post)

Down in Mexico, President Andres Lopez-Obrador has confirmed what most of us knew.  Here is the story:    

The Mexican president says his country has proof that illegal shipments of the powerful opioid drug fentanyl are arriving from China.

A container with hidden packages of the drug was intercepted in the Pacific port of Lázaro Cárdenas, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said.

"We already have proof," he said, adding that he would ask the Chinese government to help stop the shipments.

US authorities say fentanyl is now the main driver of US drug overdose deaths.

In March President López Obrador said he had written to Chinese President Xi Jinping requesting Chinese help in the anti-narcotics fight, after US politicians had urged him to do so.

He told reporters on Friday that he would repeat that plea to Beijing: "In a very respectful manner, we are going to send this information to reiterate the request that they help us."

Mexican Navy Secretary Rafael Ojeda said the container intercepted in Lázaro Cárdenas had packages weighing 34-35kg (75 pounds) with traces of fentanyl and methamphetamine hidden in fuel resin. The cargo had left the Chinese city of Qingdao and passed through Busan in South Korea before reaching Mexico.

Well, now we know, don't we? Is anyone shocked?

The question is, what is Mexico going to do about it? That answer is a bit more complicated because China denies its role in this game.

My guess is that not much will happen. President Biden is not the kind of leader who will publicly call out China or Mexico on this.  The problem is always the same or that criminal elements are moving billions of dollars from China to Mexico to the U.S. Add to all of this that the Mexican government has lost control of areas in Mexico where the cartels move the fentanyl.  “Un problema Muy serio” as they say south of the border.

So what's next?  We need a president who will threaten China with consequences.  Unfortunately, such a president is not in the White House today, so there is no pressure on China or Mexico to cooperate.

In the meantime, Title 42 ends this week and more anarchy is around the corner.

P.S.  Check out my blog for posts, podcasts and videos.

We remember May 10

We remember May 10:

We remember that Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of the UK on this day in 1940.   PM Churchill was one of the great men of the 20th century.    His books about World War II are a must read for anyone learning the history of the war.

We remember Fred Astaire who was born in Omaha, Nebraska, on this day in 1899.    He died in 1987.

Donovan was born on May 10, 1946 in Scotland.   He was a British folk singer who recorded songs like "Sunshine Superman", "Mellow Yellow" and "Wear your love like heaven".   My favorite was always "Lalena", a song from many summers ago.

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