Monday, September 11, 2006

Our # 2 son remembers 9-11 and 7th grade

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  We mark another anniversary of 9/11, the most significant day of our generation.
My biggest “9/11 morning memory” was thinking about my wife, three sons in school and everybody else in the family.
I remember watching the second plane hit the tower around 8 A.M. central time.  It was absolutely stunning to watch two passenger planes hit the World Trade Center.  By the way, I had been in those building for business calls several times.  I recall the stunning views from an office in one of the upper floors.
A few minutes later, my wife walked in from taking the boys to school.
I told my wife that something bad was happening and that we should be prepared for picking up the kids in school at a moment’s  notice.
Like most fathers, I was concerned that there were other attacks pending and specially in a major city like Dallas.  We have lots of tall buildings and a nuclear plant in the area.
It was a very scary day and one that brought a lot of families together.  It certainly made us appreciate each other and the value of human life.
My worst memory of that day was watching people jump to their deaths.  It was heartbreaking to watch human beings choose between jumping from the 90th floor or burning to death.  
9/11…. it seems like it was just yesterday!
Last but not least, we were very lucky that day that President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were at the helm.  I believe that their reaction and commitment to defending the homeland were superb.
Our # 2 son, Gabriel, remembers 9-11 and being in 7th grade.  

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Baseball, President Bush and 9-11

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President Bush was on the radio recently discussing the ESPN show about Game 3 of the 2001 World Series.   

This is the memorable first pitch when President Bush stood on the pitcher's mound and threw a strike.  It happened a few weeks after 9-11 and it brought the country together.  

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