Saturday, May 25, 2024

Saturday's video: Memorial Day and polls plus Star Wars 1977 and more...

Mexico's version of the killing fields

Mexico's version of the killing fields: Maybe another election somewhere had this much killing, but it's bad news down in Mexico. I spoke with a Canadian friend living in central Mexico and it was the violence that he kept talking about. This is another example: 
Click to read:

May 1787: The delegates started arriving in Philadelphia

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On this day in 1787, the story of the US changed forever when delegates from the 13 states met to amend The Articles of Confederation.    

It did not really start until May 25 when everybody was in town.   

By September, the sessions produced the US Constitution that we know today.    It was subsequently sent to the states for ratification.   The Bill of Rights, or the first 10 Amendments, were added between 1789-1791.     

It was a contentious summer.   Let me recommend  "Miracle in Philadelphia" to follow the  day to day stories.

P.S.  You can listen to my show (Canto Talk).  This is another good book:

1935: The Babe hit # 714 and then said goodbye

Image result for babe ruth boston braves images

(My new American Thinker post)

Babe Ruth is #3 on the home run list behind Bonds and Aaron.  However, 714 is one of those magic numbers for baseball fans like me.  60 (later 61) and 714 were the big baseball numbers that we grew up hearing about.  Frankly, I never thought that anyone would catch Ruth's 714.  At the same time, I cheered Aaron all the way, especially after he got to 700 and eventually passed Ruth in 1974.

Babe Ruth hit # 714 on this day in 1935.  Like everything else, he did it with style and noise.  This is how it went down:   

Every star player’s illustrious career must come to an end at some point. It only seems fitting that Babe Ruth’s final home run came in a game in which he hit three on May 25, 1935.

Most players’ star power begins to fade over time, and Ruth was no exception to this rule.

Released by the Yankees following the 1934 season, Ruth returned to Boston to play for the Braves.

On May 25, 1935, the Braves and Ruth lost 11-7 to the Pittsburgh Pirates, whose lineup boasted three future Hall of Famers: The Waner brothers Lloyd and Paul playing center and right field, respectively, as well as shortstop Arky Vaughan.

Ruth drove in six of the Braves’ seven runs with his three blasts.

He would play in five more games that season, but did not record another hit.

I am not even sure if he knew that the curtain was closing or his career was over.  My only regret is that he did not finish with the Yankees.  He died in 1948 from cancer.

By any standard, Ruth was the most consequential player in baseball history.  He saved the game and put fans back in the seats.  He also created the Yankee mystique that still lives on.

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

Where were you Memorial Day weekend 1977?

(My new American Thinker post.  See for links and references)

Let me paraphrase Wolfman Jack and ask you: where were you in '77?  More specifically, where were you Memorial Day weekend 1977?

We remember this weekend the 44th anniversary of Star Wars. In my mind, the movie was OK, but the return on the investment was really something else, as we see here:

Inspired by films like the Flash Gordon serials and the samurai films of Akira Kurosawa, as well as such critical works as Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces and Frank Herbert's Dune books, Lucas began work on Star Wars in 1974. 

Ground-breaking in its use of special effects, this is considered to be among the most successful—and most influential—films of all time. Produced with a budget of US$11,000,000 and released on May 25, 1977, the film became one of the most successful of all time, earning $215 million in the United States and $337 million overseas during its original theatrical release, as well as winning several film awards, including 10 Academy Award nominations. 

It was re-released several times, sometimes with significant changes; the most notable versions were the 1997 Special Edition and the 2004 DVD, which were modified with CGI effects and recreated scenes. It was re-released in the Blu-ray format in September of 2011. 

The film was selected to be preserved by the Library of Congress as part of its National Film Registry. The film was selected in 1989, the program's first year in existence.

It was also a marketing bonanza.  Every boy wanted to be Luke Skywalker and every girl for sure Princess Leia.  Nobody was talking about "gender roles" back then.  Maybe things were simpler or people had more common sense.

By fall, young people were dancing to a disco version of the theme song by Meco!  By the way, Meco was Domenico Monardo, who once played in the Cadet Band at West Point. It still sounds cool today.

Who would have believed any of this on that Memorial Day weekend of 1977, when the movie was being promoted?  I certainly didn't, and most of you probably didn't, either.  On second thought, this is the U.S. and wonderful and amazing things happen here.

May the force be with you!

P.S.  You can listen to my show.  If you like our posts, please look for ”Donate” on the right column of the blog page.

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