Saturday, January 20, 2018

The cartoon double standard?

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For the record, I do not like cartoons, or anything else, that mocks religious or patriotic symbols.  Religion, like national identity, should be respected.

This blog has never engaged in any cheap shots against anyone's religion. I respect everyone's faith. I expect other to respect mine.

I understand the Muslim anger over the cartoons back in 2006. They were silly, childish and offensive.  At the same time, we live in a free country and you have to expect that some people will say or publish stupid things.

Yet, the US media's reaction is a little hypocritical.

Where was the media's sensitivity when CNN, or the NYTimes, published horrific pictures of Jesus in a urine jar or the Virgin Mary covered by cow dung.

Who objected to this attack on Christian symbols? I did not see any such concerns in the same media that refuses to print the so called Danish cartoons.

Let's make a deal. Let's respect religious symbols, including Christian symbols.

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