Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Babalu: The problem is that Obama “se ahoga en un vaso de agua”

(My new Babalu post)

"Obama the manager" is suddenly a topic for discussion.  Put me down as one who thinks that President Obama does not like "the managerial duties" of the presidency.  He loves Air Force One, the ceremonial tasks and White House Chef but not the often hard work of governing and dealing with difficult problems.
He is also "in over his head".  In cubano, we say "se ahoga en un vaso de agua".    
"In classic management theory, Barack Obama would have to be described as an abdicative manager.
The abdicative manager evidences a tendency to flee from responsibility and is frequently encountered in situations where he or she never wanted the job in the first place (for instance, a son or daughter who inherits a company or the individual who discovers that they are incapable of adequate performance).  Abdication can be exhibited in a variety of ways, ranging from physically removing oneself through travel (the confusion of movement with action), to obsessing about personal interests or a limited range of controllable subjects.
Obama's frequent vacations and absences, especially in times of crisis, coupled with his unwillingness to personally invest himself in key initiatives, are demonstrative of this style.
An excellent example occurred after passage of the healthcare initiative.
Having ceded authority in what would later be described as his key achievement to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, he watched as they forced the bill through under a manufactured emergency that precluded lawmakers from having time to read it.
He then went on a four-day vacation before signing it."
I think that Frank got it right back in 2011!   
"The simple explanation is that Mr Obama’s White House is dominated by a coterie of insiders who have learnt that their boss does not like to hear bad news. Nor are friendly whistleblowers made to feel welcome. Whether on Syria, spying revelations or the White House’s preferred candidate to head the Federal Reserve, the president has been caught off guard by recent crises. "
My concern is that we have a man overwhelmed by events and surrounded by people who won't give him the straight stuff.   The word around this White House is that "the boss" does not like conflict or people telling him that the website won't be operational on time.
My bigger concern is that our enemies are also watching this president incapable of leading or running a minimally competent administration.
The world is watching Obama and that should worry everyone.  We are talking about the president of the US not some leader of a small nation with no leadership role.

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