Monday, May 21, 2012

I guess that it was BO who started the "born in Kenya" speculation

It does not get any crazier than this.

We learned that BO was "born in Kenya".  

Where did we learn that?  We read it in a brochure published in 1991 (and not corrected until 2007) by BO's literary agent.

Let me explain.  

BO's literary agent published a "client" brochure, i.e. list of authors and others represented by the firm.  It included little "bios" about the clients.

BO was listed as "born in Kenya" and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.

The "birthers" need to relax.  It was BO who told the world that he was born in Kenya.

Check here for our Sunday night chat with Bill Katz of Urgent Agenda:

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