Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Another "5 de Mayo" and time for another Obama speech!

Like always, many of our Mexican freinds in Dallas will celebrate another "5 de Mayo".  

The good news is that it's a great time to eat Mexican food and watch those young girls in their traditional dresses.

The bad news is that Pres BO will go before "La Raza" and pump them up with more slogans and cliches.

It's "5 de Mayo" and the "si se puede" brigade will show up with their placards to hear Pres BO.

Sadly, some in the Spanish speaking media will just buy the nonsense that those terrible Republicans just don't work with Pres BO.  (The "no" party!)

Yes, it's "5 de Mayo" and time for Pres BO to tell the faithful that he is really, really and very really serious about keeping that campaign promise of signing an immigration reform plan in his first term.

Why does Pres BO keep delivering these "5 de Mayo" speeches but not calling on his Dem Senate majority to vote on  immigration reform?  Why does he keep insulting the intelligence of millions of Hispanics?

The answer is two-fold:

1)  As we mentioned, Pres BO does not have the votes despite having a Dem majority in the US Senate.  Keep in mind that Dems are a lot better at talking about immigration than actually doing something about it. 

2) Pres BO & Dems do not fear Hispanics.  They believe that Hispanics will continue to vote for them no matter how many times they make campaign promises and not deliver.

Yes, Pres BO & Dems just think that they have the Hispanic vote in their pockets and don't have to do anything except for saying that the GOP wants to send "abuela" back to Mexico.

We hear that "hispanos" are a growing electoral force in the US.   However, they won't really be a force until they hold the political class accountable.  

Also, the Dems won't respect them as long as too many Hispanics drink "Kool Aid" and keep voting for the people who tell them what they want to  hear.

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