Friday, July 06, 2012

LO sinks to a new "low" rather than concede defeat

Let me say upfront that I am not a PRI supporter but Sr Pena-Nieto won and comfortably.

So why is Sr LO sinking to a new low by questioning the integrity of the Mexican election?

The answer is Sr LO is all about Sr LO.  He can not accept the reality that his political career is over.  It's time for Sr LO to move on and let others carry the PRD flag.

We hear that Sr LO has not accepted the results.  My reaction to that is that LO is an bigger narcissist than we thought.

Someone should tell LO that accepting defeat is a big part of a democracy.  Losers need to concede gracefully unless there is evidence of fraud.

Again, there is no evidence of fraud unless you are "so drunk with the LO Kool Aid" that you believe that Sr Pena-Nieto stole 5 million votes.

By the way, Michael Barone is right.  It was a very quiet election and that's another sign of Mexico's political maturity. 

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