Let’s stand up and clap again. The Trump administration has denied a visa to a high-ranking official of the Castro regime in Cuba. This is from Reuters:
The Cuban Embassy in Washington wrote an email on Monday to those who had been invited to attend an event with Health Minister Jose Angel Portal Miranda while he was in the U.S. capital for the PAHO meeting this week, saying it was canceled because he and his delegation had not been given visas.PAHO is the World Health Organization’s regional office for the Americas.“The government of the United States is yet again arbitrarily and unwarrantedly in breach of its obligations as a host country of an international organization,” read the email seen by Reuters.Earlier this month, Washington ordered the expulsion from the United States of two members of Cuba’s delegation to the United Nations for trying to “conduct influence operations” harmful to U.S. national security.The U.S. State Department said it was imposing visa restrictions on Cuban officials responsible for “exploitative” labor practices in the island nation’s medical services exports program.
It’s about time!
The Trump administration is reminding everyone that the island’s regime lacks legitimacy and not elected openly.
Also, let’s expose people like Minister Portal-Miranda for what they are. These are the high-ranking party people who live in the homes stolen from Cubans in the 1960s and who do not have to stand in line to buy gasoline.
And let’s remind everyone that those Cuban doctors “exported” to the Third World earn nothing because the regime keeps the dollars and pays their family in the worthless local currency.
Cheers for the Trump administration!
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