![Image result for cnn town hall images](https://www.newscaststudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/cnn-shooting-town-hall.jpg)
The good news for Democrats is that the CNN LGBT townhall did poorly in the ratings. In other words, most of the voters that might have been repulsed were watching something else.
The bad news is that everyone was on duty at the Trump reelection offices. They recorded everything and we will watch it soon!
The townhall turned off one group that Democrats need to reach, as Miranda Devin wrote:
Anyone wondering why religious people still support Donald Trump, despite his flaws, need only watch a recording of the Democrats’ fanatical LGBTQ town hall last week.From Elizabeth Warren mocking religious males as incapable of finding a wife to Beto O’Rourke’s promise to strip tax benefits from religious institutions, or Cory Booker’s assertion that Catholics use religion to justify discrimination, you see the ugly face of militant secularism and coercion.
Yes, that’s correct.
Frankly, I hear this all of the time. The guy is not perfect, but he stands for the U.S. The man is not a saint, but the other side is crazy. And so on and on.
What do you do when one guy is not diplomatic and the other one is crazy? I guess that you stick with the fellow with bad manners because the other one will crash the plane.