Monday, July 15, 2013

How many Democrats voted for ObamaCare hoping that the Supreme Court would kill it?

(My new American Thinker post)

Has there ever been a more complicated federal program to implement than Obama Care?

I can't think of one.

Worse than that, it appears that the Obama administration knew that it'd be difficult to implement. 

They've also known for months that the program wouldn't be ready as promised.

This is from The National Journal:
"Last week, it scaled back several required provisions. They aren't the first. And probably won't be the last."

Just curious.  What would happen to a private company that was so deceitful and incompetent in their introduction of a new service or product?

Can you imagine a car company selling a car without a radiator?  And knowing all along that customers were buying a car without a radiator?

What would happen to such a company?

The company leadership would be sent to jail!  They would also be dragged in front of Congress and hear self righteous statements from Democrats about protecting the little guy from companies who promise and don't deliver!

ObamaCare is no longer a liberal program.  This is an incompetent program crafted by people who did not take the time to study it beyond "hope and change" speeches.

Why didn't they pick one state and do a trial run for a few years?  Let real people use it and then make the necessary adjustments.

At the end of the day, ObamaCare raises two serious questions:

1) Was this a health care program or just "a power grab" to get into our pockets and medical records?

2) Did any of the 60 Democrats who voted for this take the time to to study what they voted for?

It leads me to one and only conclusion.  Most of the Democrats who voted for this mess wanted to have it both ways:

1) They voted "yes" to keep away a left wing primary challenger; and,

2) They bet that Justice Roberts would kill it in the Supreme Court.

Does any one have a better explanation?  How can 60 people vote for something this bad or allow such an incompetent group of federal officials to implement it?

Again, the answer is that they never thought that they'd be defending it in the 2014 elections. 

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