Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Romney looks like a winner to me!

As we move closer and closer to people actually voting rather than answering pollsters, it looks like Mitt Romney could sweep the early primaries and clinch everything by March 1st.

Again, I can't guarantee it but it looks like he will win most of those early primaries from New Hampshire to Michigan.  I don't think that Romney wins the Iowa caucus or the South Carolina primary.

My point is that we have to start dealing with the reality that Romney will be the nominee.

Is Romney perfect?  No but neither was Reagan in 1980.  I was there.  I remember all of the complaints about Reagan being an easy target during the debates or the many concerns about his age.

Romney brings several assets to the campaign:

1) He is the only GOP candidate who consistently defeats Pres BO in the polls.  Again, I understand that it's early but he is very competitive.

2) He has a grasp of the issues and can go one on one with anyone.

I understand that some in the base want a more conservative candidate.  

OK.  Let that "more conservative" candidate get up and run for president.  So far, he hasn't!  So far he is a fantasy or a dream!  You can't nominate a dream or a fantasy.

We are where we are.  It will very likely be a choice between Romney and Obama.

I know who I will vote for!

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