Sunday, November 20, 2011

It looks like an important shake up is coming in Spain today!

We spoke with Jose M Guardia of BarcePundit about the elections in Spain.  It looks like the left will have a very long day at the polls.

Spain's problems are economic and the voters are bent on punishing the left.

This is Jose's summary:

"In Spain, dissatisfaction with the state of affairs runs so deep that the Socialists are poised to lose even here in the southern region of Andalusia, where the party has enjoyed a stranglehold on politics since democracy was restored in Spain in 1975. 

But a win for the Popular Party, or PP, could prove a poisoned chalice. 

It would inherit a nation beset by an unemployment rate of more than 20%, a shaky banking system and growing doubt by global investors about Madrid's ability to pay its debts and make the painful reforms required to get the economy back on track."

Jose is right.  The Partido Popular must be bold and offer a clear plan as soon as possible.  

No one has the answer for all of Spain's problems.   However, we do know that socialism does not work as Spain's voters have learned over the last few years. 

Again, I hope that Partido Popular is bold and calls for real change.   

Here is our chat with Jose:

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