Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Founding Fathers created the presidency to lead not whine or read from teleprompters!

Let me speak of Leadership by quoting a great Democrat president named Harry Truman.  He came into the presidency with Pres FDR died in '45 and set the table for US foreign policy for 50 years.  He was also famous for "the buck stops here", a reference to the fact that the president is the decision maker.  He said this about leadership:

" Men make history and not the other way around. 

In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. 

Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. " (Quotes)

Isn't a shame that BO spent 20 years of his life listening to Rev Wright rather reading about the Truman presidency? 

Yes, the "super committee" did not the get the job done. 

Is any surprised?  

Did George Washington create a committee to cross the Delaware?  did Lincoln form a committee to keep this nation together?  did Bush create a committee to defend the country after 9-11?

These men led and took political risks.   We have a presidency in our Constitution for difficult times like these.  We need a decision maker and we don't have one.

Yesterday, the "super committee" failed to make the cuts or revise the tax code.  

It failed because Pres Obama did not lead the process and put something on the table.  He should have gone to the country with a "plan" not a speech.  He should put ideas on the table that both sides needed to contemplate.  He should have forced the Dems to make entitlement reforms.  He should have forced the GOP to make some concessions.

AT the end of the day, Pres BO decided to do nothing and the net result was predictable.  Read the Truman quote again!

In any organization, the top man has to lead and bring people together.  

In our country, Pres BO is just giving speeches and blaming everybody else.

Do you understand now why so many people, specially Dems, are growing more and more unhappy with the man who reads from the teleprompter.

B the way, did I tell you that our 3rd quarter GDP was revised downward to 2%?   Is anyone surprised that people are scared to make decisions and grow their business? or hire people?  or invest in expansion?

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