Friday, January 10, 2025

Baseball family stories: The Boyer brothers

Image result for ken and clete boyer images
As a boy, I remember the Boyer brothers playing third base in New York and St. Louis.  

Back then, there was no ESPN so we read box scores, the weekly Sporting News or ran home to watch the afternoon games.

Want some brother trivia?  The Boyer brothers hit home runs in game 7 of the 1964 World Series.  

As I recall, Ken Boyer was a pretty good hitter:  .287 BA with 282 HR & 1141 RBI.  He was the 1964 NL MVP.  

Clete had the misfortune of playing third base when Brooks Robinson was winning gold gloves.

Clete hit 162 career HRs at a time when 20 HRs was a pretty good year. He played in five straight World Series with the Yankees, 1960-64!

Clete played on the 1961 NY Yankees or the magical season when New York won 109 games and Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle chased Babe Ruth's record.

By the way, older brother Clad also played in the major leagues.  He pitched in the mid-1950's or a few years before Clete and Ken.