Monday, December 02, 2024

We remember Alexander Haig (1924-2010)

We remember former Secretary of State Alexander Haig who was born on this in 1924 and died in 2010.   He lived a very consequential life in the military and later in government.

Mr. Haig was a soldier, a diplomat and dedicated public servant. He was also a "straight shooter" by all accounts.

He served the country as a soldier in Korea and rose to become a 4-star general. Later, he was a key player in managing the White House during President Nixon's resignation and the transition to President Ford.

In 1981, Haig was named Secretary of State by President Reagan.    I remember being very happy about the selection.

Secretary Haig will also be remembered for his comments on the day that President Reagan was shot and rushed to the hospital.  His remarks about "being in charge" were misunderstood but he never recovered from the incident.

Overall, a very good man and public servant.

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